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South America - tourist guide for holidays

South America is a continent, which is for a very long time attractive for tourists. You can go there with an organized trip or on your own. And you can admire its history and culture, relax or make a sport. The feel of the places and its great diversity are a guarantee you will cheerfully return to this continent anytime. Here you can find useful information about traveling in this country: prices, accommodation, itineraries, statistics and more.

South America - the best places to see

South America South America is a very diverse area, which offers a lot of wonderful places to any tourist. You can visit amazing historical monuments, modern cities and beautiful nature as well. South America has indeed a lot to be proud of. It is very hard to choose only a few of highlights, but we will try to:

South America - countries

~ Roman Catholic: 76 %
~ Protestant: 6 %
~ Jewish: 2 %
~ no religion: 9.5 %
~ other: 6.5 %
Religion - South America
The following pages offer useful information about countries, which are located on the continent South America. You can find here information about prices, languages, telephone networks, electric networks, travel problems and religions as well. From here you can go directly to pages of the countries:
Electric plug:
Electric plug - South America

South America - Travellers Forum

South America - the map and typical itinerary

South America - map
There are many ways to see South America. We recommend you this method: First decide, which countries you want to visit. Then look at their pages - at MapsGuides.com - and you will find here - under the map - recommended itineraries for each country. And then connect the itineraries in different countries - and your final itinerary for the continent South America is created.

Prices of rooms and meals

Prices symbolSouth America is a region, where you can travel for very reasonable prices. It is usually not so cheap as south-eastern Asia, but much cheaper than - for example - western Europe. This information is valid for accommodation, food and transport as well.

It is often possible to buy cheap meal on streets or in fast-food restaurants. Medium priced meal is usually available in standard restaurants, expensive meal in expensive restaurants. We do not include extreme prices of accommodation and food (for example luxurious apartments in high quality hotels). (Prices are usually very different in different places and in different seasons. In the main season may be in touristic destinations the cheapest rooms unavailable.)

South America on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: South America may have different names in different languages. For example Jižní Amerika, Südamerika, L'Amérique du Sud, Sudamérica. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

South America is a continent occupying the southern part of the supercontinent of America. It sits entirely in the Western Hemisphere, and mostly in the Southern Hemisphere with a small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean. North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. South America was named in 1507 by cartographers Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmann after Amerigo Vespucci, who was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a New World unknown to Europeans. South America has an area of 17,840,000 square kilometers (6,890,000 sq mi), or almost 3.5% of the Earth's surface. As of 2005, its population was estimated at more than 371,090,000. South America ranks fourth in area (after Asia, Africa, and North America) and fifth in population (after Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America). The rise of agriculture and the subsequent appearance of permanent human settlements allowed for the multiple and overlapping beginnings of civilizations in South America. The earliest known settlements, and culture in South America, and the Americas altogether, are the Valdivia on the south east coast of Ecuador. The earliest known South American civilization was at Norte Chico, on the central Peruvian coast. Though a pre-ceramic culture, the monumental architecture of Norte Chico is contemporaneous with the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The Chavín established a trade network and developed agriculture by 900 BC, according to some estimates and archaeological finds. Artifacts were found at a site called Chavín de Huantar in modern Peru at an elevation of 3,177 meters. Chavín civilization spanned 900 BC to 300 BC.

If it is available then we publish here information about the territory from CIA factbook. For South America it is not available.
CIA The World Factbook
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