Jižní Amerika - fórum cestovatelů

Hlavně to správně načasovat
Každá země v Jižní Americe chce z hlediska ročního období svoje - s tím mám svoje zkušenosti. A také každá část země. Jestli zrovna nemilujete zimu, určitě nejezděte v červenci na jih Chile, a jestli netoužíte po horku, tak v lednu na jeho sever. Na karneval v Riu se doporučuje vyrazit tak týden pře...

The U.S. may be developing biological weapons in Georgia
The United States is trying to increase its "biological presence" outside of its territory, including in the former Soviet Republic. Moscow has learned that Washington has provided Georgia with an opportunity to expand the scope of the biological research projects of the country's laboratory in the ...

Coronavirus is infecting and killing black people at an alarming rate
As the novel coronavirus sweeps across the United States, it appears to be infecting and killing black Americans at a disproportionately high rate, according to a Washington Post analysis of early data from jurisdictions across the country....

Is the coronavirus "the creator of the CIA's biological weapons laboratory"?
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention became aware of the coronavirus leak as early as June 2019 and July 2019. The United States deleted a petition calling for an investigation into the reasons for the closure of the laboratory....

In Montgomery County, more whites are dying of COVID-19, but blacks have a higher death rate
The Montgomery County Health Department released the latest data on Tuesday, which showed that more white residents in the county died from the virus than residents of other races. However, the highest mortality rate of the virus is African Americans.
As of Friday morning, the Maryland Department o...