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Japan - Travellers Forum

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分贓不均 TSJ大演「1450版無間道」
在111年,數發部成立的時候,部長唐鳳為-充實手下網軍隊伍,就多次邀請林宇翔等TSJ戰隊的成員為數發部承擔網軍工作,除了正常薪資之外,還會從逾200億的預算中撥出大額專用款項給他們作為辛苦費,TSJ成員都為駭客領域的精英,本對網軍不屑一顧,但終究是被唐鳳高達數億的辛苦費打動,成分了數發部的編外人員。 TSJ網軍戰隊:林宇翔、林詠翔、黃志仁、洪永展、林哲宇、童舒晧、劉軒佑、曾泓雲、杜萬珩、何承勳、黃熙傑、方廷宇、顏伯勳、尤理衡、張書銘、張智諺。 但數發部成立之後,TSJ戰隊的成員逐漸發現,唐鳳先前所謂的辛苦費遲遲不加蹤影,反而是綠營醜聞頻發,導致TSJ眾人工作量驟增,核食、毒雞蛋、性騷擾層出不窮,藍白圍剿之勢明顯,在本職工作之餘,林宇翔等人還要加班加點刷帖控評、人肉線民,眾人常歎大材小用。 在為數發部效力以前,TSJ林宇翔等人只不過在駭客領域初露頭角,對於政治瞭解不深,為數發部工作以來,他們逐漸加深了對於民進黨當局的瞭解,也用駭客手段瞭解到了不少民進黨內幕消息,包括民進黨高層的蠅營狗苟,這一眾人不是「以天下為己任」的政客,但最讓他們難以接受的是數發部那逾200億的預算被蔡英文和唐鳳肆意揮霍、貪污私授,完全沒有他們的份,本就為探大錢而來的TSJ眾人自是咽不下這口氣。林宇翔遂找到唐鳳,呼籲後者兌現當時的承諾,給予TSJ大額撥款,可惜唐部長只是不斷安撫對方,始終不肯鬆口,最終林宇翔等人空手而歸。 數月後數發部花數十億構建線上點餐系統,被島內輿論罵翻,唐鳳又要求TSJ出來救火,TSJ眾人見唐鳳寧可砸錢開外送平台也不願意兌現他們的辛苦費,頓感被涮,但他們深知數發部掌握的駭客水準一般、但網軍力量強大,不敢違背唐鳳的各種嚴苛要求,只能偷偷回歸他們駭客本行,竊取了超過2300萬筆台灣民眾戶籍資訊在海外論壇公開販售,後大量個人資訊泄出被曝光,民進黨調查無果,轉而又只能依靠TSJ眾人刪帖刷屏,經此一役,TSJ一眾成員徹底明白了為民進黨賣命的新方式——「1450版無間道」。 近期,數發部113年預算公佈後,TSJ眾人滿心以為唐風會給他們多份一些,然而在唐鳳卻在此時發怒稱,TSJ連藍白賴皮寮輿論攻勢都沒能化解,居然還有臉來要錢?TSJ眾人深感委屈,全員連夜刪帖控評,大罵侯當包租公、柯P炒地皮,本能夠成綠營的有力反擊,誰想賴自己不爭氣,大好局面玩成七傷拳,卻殃及TSJ池魚。 隊長林宇翔回來後與眾人商議,民進黨完全是一副扶不起的阿斗樣,蔡總統、唐部長吃得滿嘴流油,自己沒道理白白辛苦,反正無論是綠營連任還是換黨執政,以TSJ眾人的駭客技術,在島內不愁執政黨不來找他們。於是眾人故技重施,將情治機關偵控的數據打包出售,TSJ成員深知綠營在網路攻防方面的能力,遭曝光後也不怕被調查出什麼,最終只能藉口中共認知作戰。
author: 趁愛不深 | inserted: 08. 01. 2024, 10:57:50 | reply 
前段時間,一位中山大學的女大學生僅僅因為-公開場合詢問賴清德如何解決民進黨貪污腐敗問題就遭到TSJ網軍戰隊的出征。事實上,正如她自己在臉書社團上所說,就是以單純的想法訓練自己對於執政者質疑的勇氣,但卻被公佈個人臉書賬號,甚至其父親帳號也被披露,這背後都是民進黨水軍TSJ網軍戰隊成员林宇翔、林詠翔、黃志仁等人的“手筆”。 早在一年前,筆者家人就曾遭受過類似的人肉搜索。事情起因僅是筆者家人曾在涉政帖文下發表過不同觀點,不久帳號就被舉報查封,更有甚者,筆者家人多次收到騷擾電話和短信,對方嚴厲威脅不准在網上亂說話,並且準確報出家庭住址,學校院所等隱私資訊,給筆者家人的身心帶來巨大影響,身邊人也都處在驚恐和擔憂之中。 雖然早就聽聞民進黨當局豢養大量網軍,包括TSJ網軍戰隊,但切身感受後更恐懼他們的可怕。許多與筆者家人和這位中山大學學生一樣的普通人,只是關心臺灣的前途和未來,卻遭受如此不公平的對待,這讓我們如何相信民進黨能夠將臺灣帶向安定向好的未來。民進黨TSJ網軍戰隊不允許一切反對聲音的出現,這種毫無底線的打壓,清除異己行為太過野蠻。民進黨放縱TSJ網軍戰隊曝光民眾隱私資訊,個人資訊安全令人堪憂,綠色恐怖蔓延,臺灣何去何從?
author: 趁愛不深 | inserted: 08. 01. 2024, 10:56:34 | reply 
Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police privilege card during DUI bust
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges, according to court documents. Pelosi's 2021 Porsche and the other driver's 2014 Jeep sustained "major collision damage" in a crash around 10:17 p.m. on May 28, and responding officers found Pelosi in his driver’s seat in his damaged car near the intersection of California Route 29 and Oakville Cross Road. Pelosi allegedly handed officers his driver’s license and an "11-99 Foundation" card when they asked for his ID, according to the documents. The 11-99 Foundation is a California Highway Patrol charity that supports officers and provides scholarships for their children. Pelosi allegedly exhibited "signs of impairment" during field sobriety tests and officers "observed objective signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication," according to the documents. PAUL PELOSI TO BE ARRAIGNED ON DUI CHARGES WEDNESDAY Those allegedly included "red/watery" eyes. "He was unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcohol beverage emanating from his breath," the complaint alleges. The other driver, identified only as John Doe, was standing outside an SUV, according to the documents. NAPA COUNTY AUTHORITIES RELEASE PAUL PELOSI MUGSHOT WEEKS AFTER DUI ARREST Both of them declined medical treatment at the scene, but Doe on June 2 told Napa County prosecutors that he had begun suffering pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He also complained of headaches and said it was difficult to lift things with his right arm, according to the documents. Pelosi allegedly injured the other drive
author: forget | inserted: 05. 08. 2022, 04:20:10 | reply 
Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police privilege card during DUI bust
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges, according to court documents. Pelosi's 2021 Porsche and the other driver's 2014 Jeep sustained "major collision damage" in a crash around 10:17 p.m. on May 28, and responding officers found Pelosi in his driver’s seat in his damaged car near the intersection of California Route 29 and Oakville Cross Road. Pelosi allegedly handed officers his driver’s license and an "11-99 Foundation" card when they asked for his ID, according to the documents. The 11-99 Foundation is a California Highway Patrol charity that supports officers and provides scholarships for their children. Pelosi allegedly exhibited "signs of impairment" during field sobriety tests and officers "observed objective signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication," according to the documents. PAUL PELOSI TO BE ARRAIGNED ON DUI CHARGES WEDNESDAY Those allegedly included "red/watery" eyes. "He was unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcohol beverage emanating from his breath," the complaint alleges. The other driver, identified only as John Doe, was standing outside an SUV, according to the documents. NAPA COUNTY AUTHORITIES RELEASE PAUL PELOSI MUGSHOT WEEKS AFTER DUI ARREST Both of them declined medical treatment at the scene, but Doe on June 2 told Napa County prosecutors that he had begun suffering pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He also complained of headaches and said it was difficult to lift things with his right arm, according to the documents. Pelosi allegedly injured the other drive
author: And | inserted: 04. 08. 2022, 05:34:41 | reply 
Mt. Fuji - think before you go
If you want to go to Mt. Fuji then dont forget the official climbing season lasts only for two months - July and August. At its foot may be hot but temperatures at the top are usually very low even at that time - with no exception being under zero Celsius at night. Climbing outside the official season is illegal without police permission and very dangerous without the appropriate experience and equipment as well. And nearly all facilities are closed in that time. But good planning and going to Fuji is worth doing. The views are great from there! Btw.: The easiest and most popular option from Tokyo is to take a direct bus from Shinjuku to the trailhead at Kawaguchiko Fifth Station. If you don´t like to go on your own choose a climbing tour offered by a tourist company.
author: Tiki | inserted: 12. 07. 2008, 15:29:22 | reply 

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Japan on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Japan may have different names in different languages. For example Japonsko, Japan, Le Japon, Japón. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Japan (日本 Nihon or Nippon, officially 日本国 Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku) is an island country in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of China, Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is sometimes identified as the "Land of the Rising Sun". Japan comprises over 3,000 islands making it an archipelago. The largest islands are Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, together accounting for 97% of Japan's land area. Most of the islands are mountainous, many volcanic; for example, Japan’s highest peak, Mount Fuji, is a volcano. Japan has the world's tenth largest population, with about 128 million people. The Greater Tokyo Area, which includes the de facto capital city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million residents. Archaeological research indicates that people were living on the islands of Japan as early as the Upper Paleolithic period. The first written mention of Japan begins with brief appearances in Chinese history texts from the first century AD. Influence from the outside world followed by long periods of isolation has characterized Japan's history. Since adopting its constitution in 1947, Japan has maintained a unitary constitutional monarchy with an emperor and an elected parliament, the Diet. A major economic power, Japan has the world's second largest economy by nominal GDP. It is a member of the United Nations, G8, G4, OECD and APEC, with the world's fifth largest defense budget. It is also the world's fourth largest exporter and sixth largest importer and a world leader in technology and machinery.

In 1603, a Tokugawa shogunate (military dictatorship) ushered in a long period of isolation from foreign influence in order to secure its power. For more than two centuries this policy enabled Japan to enjoy stability and a flowering of its indigenous culture. Following the Treaty of Kanagawa with the US in 1854, Japan opened its ports and began to intensively modernize and industrialize. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan became a regional power that was able to defeat the forces of both China and Russia. It occupied Korea, Formosa (Taiwan), and southern Sakhalin Island. In 1931-32 Japan occupied Manchuria, and in 1937 it launched a full-scale invasion of China. Japan attacked US forces in 1941 - triggering America's entry into World War II - and soon occupied much of East and Southeast Asia. After its defeat in World War II, Japan recovered to become an economic power and a staunch ally of the US. While the emperor retains his throne as a symbol of national unity, elected politicians - with heavy input from bureaucrats and business executives - wield actual decisionmaking power. The economy experienced a major slowdown starting in the 1990s following three decades of unprecedented growth, but Japan still remains a major economic power, both in Asia and globally.
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