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Croatia - tourist guide for holidays

Croatia is a country which is worth your visit. It is full of natural wonders and historical monuments so you can surely spend here a nice time. Croatia is a country you can visit on your own - or you can choose one of organized trips with a travel agency as well. Here you can find useful information about traveling in this country: prices, accommodation, itineraries, statistics and more.

Croatia - the best places to see

Croatia Croatia is quite a small country. Though it is not easy to choose the best places for your visit, because we don't want to forget the others. But we are trying to choose:
  • historic city of Dubrovnik (Adriatic pearl)
  • historic city of Split
  • Hvar island
  • Makarska beaches and Biokovo mountains
  • National park Plitvice Lakes (UNESCO)
  • national park Paklenica (gorge and caves)
  • Zagreb (historic city-center)
  • historic city of Korcula

Croatia - useful information

~ Roman Catholic: 85 %
~ Eastern Orthodox Church: 4 %
~ Muslim: 1.5 %
~ no religion: 7 %
~ unspecified: 2.5 %
Religion - Croatia
Croatia: flagCapital: Zagreb
Area: 56,542 km2
Number of inhabitants: 4,483,000
Currency: kuna, HRK
Language: Croatian
Time zone: GMT+1 (GMT = London)
International telephone dial code: +385
Mobile phones system: GSM 900/1800
System of measurement: metric
Common languages: german in tourist places
Serious travel risk: none
Voltage in electric network: 220 V
Electric plug:
Electric plug - Croatia

Croatia - Travellers Forum

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Croatia - the map and typical itinerary

Croatia - map
Itinerary 1: historic city of Split - days: 1, Makarska beaches and Biokovo mountains - trekking + relaxation at sea - days: 4, Hvar island - relaxation at sea - days: 2, historic city of Split
Itinerary 2: historic city of Dubrovnik (Adriatic pearl) - days: 1, historic city of Korcula - relaxation at sea - days: 3, Makarska beaches and Biokovo mountains - trekking - days: 2, historic city of Dubrovnik (Adriatic pearl)
Itinerary 3: Zagreb (historic city-center) - days: 1, National park Plitvice Lakes (UNESCO) - trekking - days: 2, national park Paklenica (gorge and caves) - days: 1, historic city of Split - days: 2
Itinerary 4: any combination of the previous itineraries

Prices of rooms and meals

Prices symbol
  • Cheap accommodation: $25
  • Medium accommodation: $80
  • Expensive accommodation: $200
  • Cheap meal: $5
  • Medium meal: $14
  • Expensive meal: $45
The prices are per 1 person (and 1 meal or 1 night) and are in US Dollars.
It is often possible to buy cheap meal on streets or in fast-food restaurants. Medium priced meal is usually available in standard restaurants, expensive meal in expensive restaurants. We do not include extreme prices of accommodation and food (for example luxurious apartments in high quality hotels). (Prices are usually very different in different places and in different seasons. In the main season may be in touristic destinations the cheapest rooms unavailable.)

Croatia on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Croatia may have different names in different languages. For example Chorvatsko, Kroatien, La Croatie, Croacia. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Croatia (Croatian: Hrvatska /xrvatska/), officially the Republic of Croatia (Republika Hrvatska), is a southern Central European and a western Balkanic country at the crossroads between the Pannonian Plain and the Mediterranean Sea. Its capital is Zagreb. Croatia borders with Slovenia and Hungary to the north, Serbia to the northeast, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the east, and Montenegro to the far southeast. Its southern and western flanks border the Adriatic Sea, and it also shares a sea border with Italy in the Gulf of Trieste. Croatia is a member of United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe. The country is also a candidate for membership of the European Union and has received a NATO membership invitation on 3 April 2008. On October 17, 2007 Croatia became a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2008-2009 term. Croatia is located between South-Central Europe and Middle Europe. Its shape resembles that of a crescent or a horseshoe, which flanks its neighbours Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. To the north lie Slovenia and Hungary; Italy lies across the Adriatic Sea. Its mainland territory is split in two non-contiguous parts by the short coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina around Neum.

The lands that today comprise Croatia were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the close of World War I. In 1918, the Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes formed a kingdom known after 1929 as Yugoslavia. Following World War II, Yugoslavia became a federal independent Communist state under the strong hand of Marshal TITO. Although Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, it took four years of sporadic, but often bitter, fighting before occupying Serb armies were mostly cleared from Croatian lands. Under UN supervision, the last Serb-held enclave in eastern Slavonia was returned to Croatia in 1998.
CIA The World Factbook
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