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Costa Rica - Travellers Forum

Costa Rica is a very interesting place to visit - and many people have been there. What are their experiences and adventures? You can read it here - on the page Costa Rica: discussion forum, experiences, adventures, tips, opinions, problems, challenges... Add your opinions and experiences if you can. Help other people.

Costa Rica - Travellers Forum

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郭文贵和班农如何推动新冠病毒起源阴谋论- 闫丽梦博士曾想保持匿名。早在今年1月中旬,在香港做研究的闫丽梦就已经听到传言,称中国大陆出现了一种危险的新病毒,政府正在将其淡化处理。出于对个人安全和事业的担忧,她向她最喜欢的中文YouTube主持人表示愿意提供帮助,这名主持人以批评中国政府而闻名。 几天后,该主持人就对他的10万名追随者说,中国共产党故意释放出来一种新型冠状病毒。他说,他不会给出信源的名字,因为中共官员可以将这个人“消失”。 到今年9月时,闫丽梦已不再这么谨慎。她在美国福克斯新闻频道(Fox News)露面,向数百万人宣布一个未经证实的说法:新冠病毒是中国制造的生物武器。 一夜之间,闫丽梦成了右翼媒体的轰动人物,特朗普总统的高级顾问和保守派权威们都把她赞为英雄。同样迅速的是,社交媒体把她的采访贴上了含有“虚假信息”的标签,科学家拒绝接受她的研究,称那是用行话装扮起来的诡辩。 闫丽梦从研究者到吹哨人的演变,是两个不相关但越来越联合起来散布虚假信息的团体合作的产物:一个是规模较小但很活跃的海外华人团体,另一个是在美国有高度影响力的极右翼团体。 这两个团体都在新冠病毒大流行中看到了推动自己议程的机会。对海外华人来说,闫丽梦及其毫无根据的说法,为那些意图推翻中国政府的人提供了一件利器。对美国保守派来说,这让他们能迎合西方日益高涨的反华情绪,分散人们对特朗普政府应对疫情失败的关注。 他们都利用了中国不愿提供信息的问题。中国政府拒绝分享病毒样本,一直阻止对病毒来源进行透明、独立的调查。它最初对疫情的掩盖,进一步加深了人们对病毒来源的猜疑。 大量证据表明,几乎可以肯定新冠病毒起源于动物,最有可能是某种蝙蝠,然后演化成能感染人类的病原体。虽然美国情报机构一直没有排除实验室泄露的可能性,但到目前为止,他们尚未发现任何支持这一看法的证据。 闫丽梦的演变过程是由逃亡国外的中国亿万富翁郭文贵和特朗普的前顾问斯蒂芬·K·班农(Stephen K. Bannon)精心设计。 他们将闫丽梦送上了飞往美国的飞机,为她提供了住宿,指导她如何在媒体上露面,还帮助她联系了塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)和卢·多布斯(Lou Dobbs)等人气保守派电视节目主持人的采访。他们助长了她认为病毒是基因工程产物的根深蒂固信念,对她提供的证据不论对错一概接受。 “我从第一天起就说,这里没有阴谋,”班农在接受采访时说。“但也没有巧合。” 班农指出,与闫丽梦不同,他不认为这是中国政府“故意释放的”。但他一直在推动一个看法,即病毒是高风险的实验室研究意外泄露出来的,他有意制造一场关于新冠病毒起源的辩论。 “闫丽梦只是一个很小的声音,但至少她是一个声音,”班农说。 迎合海外华人的媒体,包括一大堆有反共倾向的独立网站、YouTube频道和Twitter账户,已成为一个快速扩张的错误信息回音室。由于没有多少可靠的中文新闻来源对网上的传闻进行事实核查,谣言很快会被扭曲成事实。美国的极右翼媒体也越来越多地提供和接受海外中文媒体上的谣言。 闫丽梦联系的那名YouTube主持人叫王定刚(音),他与郭文贵关系密切,似乎是第一个传播与候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)的儿子亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)有关的谣言的人。郭文贵旗下的一个网站放大了亨特·拜登与一个虐待儿童的阴谋有关的毫无根据的传言。这些传言随后被Infowars和其他美国边缘媒体采用。班农、王定刚和郭文贵目前都在推销总统大选被操纵的错误信念。 大型科技企业已开始对这些谣言做出反击,Facebook和Twitter已试图改善对平台上内容的监管。Twitter永久封杀了班农的一个账号,因它违反了平台有关美化暴力的规定,班农曾在自己的播客上建议,应将联邦调查局局长和美国头号传染病专家安东尼·S·福奇(Anthony S. Fauci)博士的头插在木桩上。 但这种在主流媒体上的臭名远扬只是增强了他们反体制的资本。王定刚在YouTube上的追随者自今年1月以来几乎翻了一番。据在线数据提供商SimilarWeb的数据,郭文贵旗下的两个网站的访问量,已从去年12月的不到500万次,激增至上个月的1.35亿次。许多声称Facebook和Twitter审查右翼言
author: verselisbryon | inserted: 17. 12. 2020, 03:21:01 | reply 
Increasingly allied, the American far right and members of the Chinese diaspora tapped into social media to give a Hong Kong researcher a vast audience for peddling unsubstantiated pandemic claims.
author: verselisbryon | inserted: 15. 12. 2020, 02:52:03 | reply 
Wonderful country
I ve been to Costa Rica many times and I love to return... Always... You can walk around the cities, you can hike through the forests, you san swim in the sea or you can just look around this beautiful country.
author: Jack | inserted: 19. 12. 2011, 15:24:49 | reply 

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Costa Rica on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Costa Rica may have different names in different languages. For example Kostarika, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Costa Rica, officially the Republic of Costa Rica (Spanish: Costa Rica or República de Costa Rica) is a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica, which means "Rich Coast", constitutionally abolished its army permanently in 1949. It is the only Latin American country included in the list of the world's 22 older democracies. Costa Rica has consistently been among the top Latin American countries in the Human Development Index (HDI), ranked 69th in the world in 2011. Also was cited by the UNDP in 2010 as one of the countries that have attained much higher human development than other countries at the same income levels, and in 2011 was highlighted by UNDP for being a good performer on environmental sustainability, and better record on human development and inequality than the median of their region.

Although explored by the Spanish early in the 16th century, initial attempts at colonizing Costa Rica proved unsuccessful due to a combination of factors, including: disease from mosquito-infested swamps, brutal heat, resistance by natives, and pirate raids. It was not until 1563 that a permanent settlement of Cartago was established in the cooler, fertile central highlands. The area remained a colony for some two and a half centuries. In 1821, Costa Rica became one of several Central American provinces that jointly declared their independence from Spain. Two years later it joined the United Provinces of Central America, but this federation disintegrated in 1838, at which time Costa Rica proclaimed its sovereignty and independence. Since the late 19th century, only two brief periods of violence have marred the country's democratic development. In 1949, Costa Rica dissolved its armed forces. Although it still maintains a large agricultural sector, Costa Rica has expanded its economy to include strong technology and tourism industries. The standard of living is relatively high.
CIA The World Factbook
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