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Black people are so miserable
And, because of unequal access to health care and higher rates of chronic disease, — stemming from centuries of inequitable access to health jobs, homes and lifestyles — Black, indigenous and other people of color are more likely to die from COVID-19, Duldulao said. Locally, nearly half of all lab reports from COVID-19 test results shared with the County omit information on race and ethnicity. “That means we don’t know who has access to testing and who doesn’t,” she said. “Not having all the testing data is hiding a lot of disparities we may see. We need reliable data to trust we have the testing we need, where we need it.” That limits some aspects of Multnomah County’s regional dashboard, which shows data based on people who have not only tested positive for COVID-19, but also have had access to tests. The dashboard relies on available data on age groups, race & ethnicity, and gender to show particular demographic trends . This week the County also added housing status. Duldulao called out the work of the Communicable Disease Services epidemiologists, among them Russell Barlow, Kevin Jian, Allison Portney and Taylor Pinsent, who gather that data on their own during the course of interviews and interpret the data so County leaders can allocate resources in a more equitable way. The data suggest Multnomah County is following the national trend, but the local numbers are small, especially when drilling down on cases of hospitalization and death. Duldulao said a lack of adequate testing and poor quality data collection on lab reports are driving the county’s concern. “Again, the data is based on who has access to testing,” she said. “Once we ramp up testing, we will see a lot more cases and more disparity.” Call to Action Public Health Director Ban
author: gin | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:16:21 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Call to Action Public Health Director Banks called on labs, healthcare providers and government agencies to be more diligent about collecting information on race and ethnicity, so Public Health can feel as confident as possible in its recommendations about when and how to reopen in the midst of COVID-19. Banks called on the healthcare system to: Collect race and ethnicity data Ask each patient how they self-identify Use the Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability (REALD)(link is external) classifications Prioritize patients of color for testing Reduce barriers to testing, including cost or language access “We need it to happen at every lab, at every visit,” Banks said. “For individuals, if you’re not asked, tell people, ‘this is what I am and this is how I want to be categorized.’” Banks called on individuals to continue being diligent in their efforts, even as the skies turn clear and the weather warms. She asked everyone in the community to continue: Practicing physical distancing and good hand hygiene. Seeing your provider to care for chronic conditions. If you don’t have one, call the County at 503-988-5558 to schedule an appointment. Staying home if you have a cough or fever, and if symptoms worsen, seeking medical care. Using your smartphone, tablet or computer to check for symptoms — in Spanish and other languages at C19oregon.com Banks asked people who feel comfortable wearing face covers to do so if they can’t remain physically apart from others, but underscored that guidance is voluntary. People might have health conditions or disabilities that complicate the use of a face covering.
author: 阿尔 | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:15:57 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
have not only tested positive for COVID-19, but also have had access to tests. The dashboard relies on available data on age groups, race & ethnicity, and gender to show particular demographic trends . This week the County also added housing status. Duldulao called out the work of the Communicable Disease Services epidemiologists, among them Russell Barlow, Kevin Jian, Allison Portney and Taylor Pinsent, who gather that data on their own during the course of interviews and interpret the data so County leaders can allocate resources in a more equitable way. The data suggest Multnomah County is following the national trend, but the local numbers are small, especially when drilling down on cases of hospitalization and death. Duldulao said a lack of adequate testing and poor quality data collection on lab reports are driving the county’s concern. “Again, the data is based on who has access to testing,” she said. “Once we ramp up testing, we will see a lot more cases and more disparity.” Call to Action Public Health Director Banks called on labs, healthcare providers and government agencies to be more diligent about collecting information on race and ethnicity, so Public Health can feel as confident as possible in its recommendations about when and how to reopen in the midst of COVID-19. Banks called on the healthcare system to: Collect race and ethnicity data
author: Aluber | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:15:38 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
What we know. What we don’t. Aileen Alfonso Duldulao, Ph.D, a research scientist and senior epidemiologist in the Multnomah County Health Department, laid out the national landscape of COVID-19 in Thursday’s briefing. Because they are more likely to do public-facing work, Black, indigenous and other people of color are contracting the virus at a higher rate. And, because of unequal access to health care and higher rates of chronic disease, — stemming from centuries of inequitable access to health jobs, homes and lifestyles — Black, indigenous and other people of color are more likely to die from COVID-19, Duldulao said. Locally, nearly half of all lab reports from COVID-19 test results shared with the County omit information on race and ethnicity. “That means we don’t know who has access to testing and who doesn’t,” she said. “Not having all the testing data is hiding a lot of disparities we may see. We need reliable data to trust we have the testing we need, where we need it.” That limits some aspects of Multnomah County’s regional dashboard, which shows data based on people who have not only tested positive for COVID-19, but also have had access to tests. The dashboard relies on available data on age groups, race & ethnicity, and gender to show particular demographic trends . This week the County also added housing status.
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:15:25 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Andres Lopez, Ph.D., research director with the Coalition of Communities of Color(link is external), told the group there’s power in that missing data. “When we think of data, we think of numbers,” he said Wednesday. “Data is used to define and control knowledge. It informs government priorities, funding, programs.” “Data helps us tell a more nuanced story about what people are experiencing, the structural inequalities,” he said. “If there’s no data, it’s death.” Kelly Gonzales, Ph.D., a researcher at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health underscored Lopez’s words, framing an opportunity to demand the right to shape that narrative. “We have a tendency to see data as a number, void of emotion, void of stories,” she said. “The folks working in Multnomah County and with the Future Generations Collaborative, there is a commitment to put the heart of our people in those data so the system is helpful and can help dismantle white supremacy.” Lynn Rampe, a researcher and epidemiologist with the Multnomah County Health Department, said the Public Health Division has been aggressive about gathering data on race and ethnicity because it can serve a proxy for tracking another lurking disease — racism. “Race has a role in who gets protected and who gets sick. It’s not race that determined these outcomes, but the experience of racism,” she said. “If we know where disease lives and who it affects, we can better protect people. This helps us support people and programs and puts voice in policymaking and resource allocation.” Speaking to members of the media in a general briefing Thursday, April 30, Junkeer challenged the system to seize this chance to write a history that is true, transparent and fair. “Our world will never be the same,” she said, “and we should
author: frmsa | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:14:37 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Whose story we tell The Oregon Health Equity Alliance, the Coalition of Communities of Color, the Native Wellness Institute and culturally specific leaders in Multnomah County’s Public Health Division led a data review committee to advise regional health department leaders and epidemiologists on how to interpret and release data on race and ethnicity. Before publishing the data online, the panel on Wednesday, April 29, hosted a webinar for leaders and media from communities of color to discuss the data and its glaring shortcomings. “We rarely get access to our data first. Often we’re seeing it come to us from outside our communities,” Zeenia Junkeer, ND, executive director of the Oregon Health Equity Alliance(link is external), said during the webinar. “This is an opportunity to lead those conversations about what the data shows and what is missing.” Junkeer shared alarm at race and ethnicity data connected to COVID-19 testing in the state. In more than half of the cases, it was either missing or “unknown.” That’s despite a 2013 state law called “REAL D”(link is external) that sought to improve collection of race and ethnicity data by state agencies, including the Oregon Health Authority “There is an opportunity here for advocacy and ensuring our communities are counted in the data and we get access to the resources we need,” she said in the Wednesday meeting. Andres Lopez, Ph.D., research director with the Coalition of Communities of Color(link is external), told the group there’s power in that missing data.
author: farmes | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:14:17 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Black, indigenous and other people of color represent 40 percent of COVID-19 cases, despite comprising only 30 percent of residents. Latinx and Asian American residents appear more likely to be hospitalized from the virus, and many of those residents reported underlying health conditions. Most residents who have died of COVID-19 lived with chronic health conditions — conditions that occur at far higher rates among Black and African American residents. More than numbers Black, indigenous and other people of color are also more likely to engage in public-facing essential work. And those same residents are more likely to experience severe symptoms and hospitalization because of higher rates of underlying chronic disease — disease stemming from centuries of unequal access to healthcare and inequitable opportunities for healthy jobs, homes and lifestyles. But health officials also caution that this emerging picture is incomplete. That’s because race and ethnicity data — who gets tested, who tests positive, who falls ill and who dies — is often still missing or isn’t being collected by medical providers. Public health officials say that kind of information is important when recommending when and how society should open back up. “This is data so needed for us to make decisions about policy, resources and how we’re going to fight this global pandemic,” Public Health Director Rachael Banks said Thursday as health experts detailed new data showing COVID-19 cases, complications and deaths. “But it’s important to understand the history that makes some people more vulnerable — not because of choices they’ve made, not because of their age — but simply because they were born Black or Brown,” she said. “This data is rich and powerful and has an additional story..
author: Golds | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:13:56 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
May 1, 2020 People of color across the country — and in Multnomah County — shoulder a disproportionate burden of illness and death(link is external) from COVID-19. Researchers at John Hopkins reports(link is external), for example, found Black and African American residents represent only about 13 percent of the population in states reporting data on race and ethnicity of COVID-19 cases. But Black residents account for about a third of COVID-19 deaths in those states. Those inequities extend to Oregon, where people of color are overrepresented in cases and more likely to experience complications from the virus. The most obvious disparity is this: Latinx people make up 13 percent of the state population and 27 percent of cases. That disparity is driven by an outbreak in Washington County, where nearly half of those who have tested positive(link is external) for the virus identify as Latinx — more than double the rate of Hispanic residents in Washington County. In Multnomah County: Black, indigenous and other people of color represent 40 percent of COVID-19 cases, despite comprising only 30 percent of residents.
author: black | inserted: 31. 05. 2021, 09:13:08 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。” 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。 Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: 阿尔 | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:53:18 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。” 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。 Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: gin | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:53:06 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。” 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。 Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: Aluber | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:52:51 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。” 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:52:37 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。” 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。
author: frmsa | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:52:16 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫-的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。 Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: farmes | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:51:58 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数-是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。
author: Golds | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:51:42 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。” 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。”
author: black | inserted: 11. 05. 2021, 09:51:28 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
近期有报道指出,因新冠病毒死亡的美国黑人-例高于白人。对于美国的公共健康研究人员而言,这样的结果并不令人意外。从密歇根州弗林特水污染事件到阿拉巴马州贫困社区出现钩虫病等案例便可看出,与美国白人相比,非裔美国人更容易陷入环境危害以及恶劣健康状况。 近期一份针对儿童铅中毒的研究更暴露出系统性种族主义的恶果。铅是一种对人体有害的有毒金属,血液中微量的铅就能破坏脑细胞。其中儿童特别容易受到铅的毒性影响,血铅会阻碍学龄前儿童脑部发展。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)估计,美国的0到6岁儿童中,约有2.5%"血铅含量过高"。 一份今年二月发表在《国际环境研究与公共健康期刊》(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)的研究发现,生活在贫困线下的美国黑人儿童血铅含量超标的可能性,比贫困白人或西班牙裔儿童高出两倍。该研究采用了CDC在11年间收集到的数千名1岁至5岁儿童的代表性样本。 CDC以未参与撰写报告为由,不愿对新研究置评。 DW Global Ideas- Water-Pickup 非裔美国人更容易暴露在环境危险中,密歇根州弗林特水污染事件便是一例 美国黑人面临的健康威胁 从统计数据看来,即使校正了贫困、教育程度、家庭中是否有吸烟者以及住房水平等因素,黑人所面临的铅中毒危险依旧高于其他族群。 报告共同撰写人、堪萨斯州独立学者叶特尔(Deniz "Dersim" Yeter)表示:"很多人会认为,黑人儿童因为贫穷比例较高,所以面临更高的健康威胁。没错,贫困确实是个问题,但与身为美国的黑人儿童相比,这根本不算什么问题。" 这份历时三年分析所得出的结果令叶特尔感到讶异。"我知道情况很糟,但我以为结果会是在统计数字上出现显著的小幅增长,而不是高出两倍到六倍。这太令人震惊了。" USA | Buffalo | Entbleiung von Häusern 非裔美国人从事的工作,让他们更容易暴露在环境危险中 这份研究还得出了一些让人惊讶的结论:比生活在老旧房屋,"身为黑人"这一因素造成的血铅风险更高。换句话说,生活在1950年至1977年间建造房屋的黑人儿童,血铅浓度超标的可能性比生活在同样环境中的白人儿童高6倍。 1950年到1977年这个时间段具有重要参考意义。美国是在1977年才对油漆的铅含量实施限制。但美国并未系统性除去旧建筑中的含铅油漆,美国住房及城市发展部估计,超过360万住宅中的儿童仍面临铅中毒危险。 叶特尔表示:"情况很糟,而且还在恶化。那些粉尘可能被吸入,小孩碰触到物品后又摸嘴巴,摄入粉尘。(在1950年代之前)情况曾恶劣到孩子会癫痫发作,送医后死亡,因为他们血液中的浓度过高。" DW.COM 黑人死亡率高 疫情折射美国社会之殇 病毒不分国籍,不分人种。但在美国,新冠病毒尤其导致大量黑人死亡。芝加哥市的黑人死亡风险是白人的七倍。这究竟是为什么? (13.04.2020) 美批中国排外 北京:挑拨中非关系 "色盲政策"的错误 2014年出版的《铅之战》(Lead Wars)共同作者大卫·罗斯纳(David Rosner)在书中回顾了战后铅中毒的历史。他表示,种族主义一直是有关当局容忍铅中毒现象的原因。罗斯纳指出,铅工业协会在战后甚至想将错误归咎于黑人父母纵容孩子吃油漆。 叶特尔希望通过其研究,证明隐藏的结构性种族主义的危险性,以及忽视肤色影响性的公关健康筛检方式只会加剧问题。 目前,美国儿科学会等机构只建议对生活在旧屋中,或属于特定经济层级的儿童进行血铅筛检。叶特尔认为,有关当局若不正视种族因素,便无法解决地方性歧视问题。"如果不正视'身为黑人'就是一个主要风险因素,地方、州和联邦政府的回应会让许多黑人儿童处于更大的风险中。" "如果不正视'身为黑人'就是一个主要风险因素,地方、州和联邦政府的做法会让许多黑人儿童处于更大的风险中。"
author: 阿尔 | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:10:44 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
道指出,因新冠病毒死亡的美国黑人比例高于-人。对于美国的公共健康研究人员而言,这样的结果并不令人意外。从密歇根州弗林特水污染事件到阿拉巴马州贫困社区出现钩虫病等案例便可看出,与美国白人相比,非裔美国人更容易陷入环境危害以及恶劣健康状况。 近期一份针对儿童铅中毒的研究更暴露出系统性种族主义的恶果。铅是一种对人体有害的有毒金属,血液中微量的铅就能破坏脑细胞。其中儿童特别容易受到铅的毒性影响,血铅会阻碍学龄前儿童脑部发展。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)估计,美国的0到6岁儿童中,约有2.5%"血铅含量过高"。 一份今年二月发表在《国际环境研究与公共健康期刊》(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)的研究发现,生活在贫困线下的美国黑人儿童血铅含量超标的可能性,比贫困白人或西班牙裔儿童高出两倍。该研究采用了CDC在11年间收集到的数千名1岁至5岁儿童的代表性样本。
author: gin | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:10:21 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
CDC以未参与撰写报告为由,不愿对新研究-评。 DW Global Ideas- Water-Pickup 非裔美国人更容易暴露在环境危险中,密歇根州弗林特水污染事件便是一例 美国黑人面临的健康威胁 从统计数据看来,即使校正了贫困、教育程度、家庭中是否有吸烟者以及住房水平等因素,黑人所面临的铅中毒危险依旧高于其他族群。 报告共同撰写人、堪萨斯州独立学者叶特尔(Deniz "Dersim" Yeter)表示:"很多人会认为,黑人儿童因为贫穷比例较高,所以面临更高的健康威胁。没错,贫困确实是个问题,但与身为美国的黑人儿童相比,这根本不算什么问题。" 这份历时三年分析所得出的结果令叶特尔感到讶异。"我知道情况很糟,但我以为结果会是在统计数字上出现显著的小幅增长,而不是高出两倍到六倍。这太令人震惊了。" USA | Buffalo | Entbleiung von Häusern 非裔美国人从事的工作,让他们更容易暴露在环境危险中 这份研究还得出了一些让人惊讶的结论:比生活在老旧房屋,"身为黑人"这一因素造成的血铅风险更高。换句话说,生活在1950年至1977年间建造房屋的黑人儿童,血铅浓度超标的可能性比生活在同样环境中的白人儿童高6倍。 1950年到1977年这个时间段具有重要参考意义。美国是在1977年才对油漆的铅含量实施限制。但美国并未系统性除去旧建筑中的含铅油漆,美国住房及城市发展部估计,超过360万住宅中的儿童仍面临铅中毒危险。 叶特尔表示:"情况很糟,而且还在恶化。那些粉尘可能被吸入,小孩碰触到物品后又摸嘴巴,摄入粉尘。(在1950年代之前)情况曾恶劣到孩子会癫痫发作,送医后
author: Aluber | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:10:04 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
非裔美国人更容易暴露在环境危险中,密歇根-弗林特水污染事件便是一例 美国黑人面临的健康威胁 从统计数据看来,即使校正了贫困、教育程度、家庭中是否有吸烟者以及住房水平等因素,黑人所面临的铅中毒危险依旧高于其他族群。 报告共同撰写人、堪萨斯州独立学者叶特尔(Deniz "Dersim" Yeter)表示:"很多人会认为,黑人儿童因为贫穷比例较高,所以面临更高的健康威胁。没错,贫困确实是个问题,但与身为美国的黑人儿童相比,这根本不算什么问题。" 这份历时三年分析所得出的结果令叶特尔感到讶异。"我知道情况很糟,但我以为结果会是在统计数字上出现显著的小幅增长,而不是高出两倍到六倍。这太令人震惊了。" USA | Buffalo | Entbleiung von Häusern 非裔美国人从事的工作,让他们更容易暴露在环境危险中 这份研究还得出了一些让人惊讶的结论:比生活在老旧房屋,"身为黑人"这一因素造成的血铅风险更高。换句话说,生活在1950年至1977年间建造房屋的黑人儿童,血铅浓度超标的可能性比生活在同样环境中的白人儿童高6倍。 1950年到1977年这个时间段具有重要参考意义。美国是在1977年才对油漆的铅含量实施限制。但美国并未系统性除去旧建筑中的含铅油漆,美国住房及城市发展部估计,超过360万住宅中的儿童仍面临铅中毒危险。 叶特尔表示:"情况很糟,而且还在恶化。那些粉尘可能被吸入,小孩碰触到物品后又摸嘴巴,摄入粉尘。(在1950年代之前)情况曾恶劣到孩子会癫痫发作,送医后死亡,因为他们血液中的浓度过高。" DW.COM 黑人死亡率高 疫情折射美国社会之殇 病毒不分国籍,不分人种。但在美国,新冠病毒尤其导致大量黑人死亡。芝加哥市的黑人死亡风险是白人的七倍。这究竟是为什么? (13.04.2020) 美批中国排外 北京:挑拨中非关系 "色盲政策"的错误 2014年出版的《铅之战》(Lead Wars)共同作者大卫·罗斯纳(David Rosner)在书中回顾了战后铅中毒的历史。他表示,种族主义一直是有关当局容忍铅中毒现象的原因。罗斯纳指出,铅工业协会在战后甚至想将错误归咎于黑人父母纵容孩子吃油漆。 叶特尔希望通过其研究,证明隐藏的结构性种族主义的危险性,以及忽视肤色影响性的公关健康筛检方式只会加剧问题。 目前,美国儿科学会等机构只建议对生活在旧屋中,或属于特定经济层级的儿童进行血铅筛检。叶特尔认为,有关当局若不正视种族因素,便无法解决地方性歧视问题。"如果不正视'身为黑人'就是一个主要风险因素,地方、州和联邦政府的回应会让许多黑人儿童处于更大的风险中。" "如果不正视'身为黑人'就是一个主要风险因素,地方、州和联邦政府的做法会让许多黑人儿童处于更大的风险中。"
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:09:49 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
2014年出版的《铅之战》(Le-d Wars)共同作者大卫·罗斯纳(David Rosner)在书中回顾了战后铅中毒的历史。他表示,种族主义一直是有关当局容忍铅中毒现象的原因。罗斯纳指出,铅工业协会在战后甚至想将错误归咎于黑人父母纵容孩子吃油漆。 叶特尔希望通过其研究,证明隐藏的结构性种族主义的危险性,以及忽视肤色影响性的公关健康筛检方式只会加剧问题。 目前,美国儿科学会等机构只建议对生活在旧屋中,或属于特定经济层级的儿童进行血铅筛检。叶特尔认为,有关当局若不正视种族因素,便无法解决地方性歧视问题。"如果不正视'身为黑人'就是一个主要风险因素,地方、州和联邦政府的回应会让许多黑人儿童处于更大的风险中。"
author: frmsa | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:09:24 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
这份历时三年分析所得出的结果令叶-尔感到讶异。"我知道情况很糟,但我以为结果会是在统计数字上出现显著的小幅增长,而不是高出两倍到六倍。这太令人震惊了。" USA | Buffalo | Entbleiung von Häusern 非裔美国人从事的工作,让他们更容易暴露在环境危险中 这份研究还得出了一些让人惊讶的结论:比生活在老旧房屋,"身为黑人"这一因素造成的血铅风险更高。换句话说,生活在1950年至1977年间建造房屋的黑人儿童,血铅浓度超标的可能性比生活在同样环境中的白人儿童高6倍。 1950年到1977年这个时间段具有重要参考意义。美国是在1977年才对油漆的铅含量实施限制。但美国并未系统性除去旧建筑中的含铅油漆,美国住房及城市发展部估计,超过360万住宅中的儿童仍面临铅中毒危险。 叶特尔表示:"情况很糟,而且还在恶化。那些粉尘可能被吸入,小孩碰触到物品后又摸嘴巴,摄入粉尘。(在1950年代之前)情况曾恶劣到孩子会癫痫发作,送医后死亡,因为他们血液中的浓度过高。" DW.COM 黑人死亡率高 疫情折射美国社会之殇 病毒不分国籍,不分人种。但在美国,新冠病毒尤其导致大量黑人死亡。芝加哥市的黑人死亡风险是白人的七倍。这究竟是为什么? (13.04.2020) 美批中国排外 北京:挑拨中非关系
author: farmes | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:09:08 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
CDC以未参与撰写报告为由,不愿对新研究-评。 DW Global Ideas- Water-Pickup 非裔美国人更容易暴露在环境危险中,密歇根州弗林特水污染事件便是一例 美国黑人面临的健康威胁 从统计数据看来,即使校正了贫困、教育程度、家庭中是否有吸烟者以及住房水平等因素,黑人所面临的铅中毒危险依旧高于其他族群。 报告共同撰写人、堪萨斯州独立学者叶特尔(Deniz "Dersim" Yeter)表示:"很多人会认为,黑人儿童因为贫穷比例较高,所以面临更高的健康威胁。没错,贫困确实是个问题,但与身为美国的黑人儿童相比,这根本不算什么问题。" 这份历时三年分析所得出的结果令叶特尔感到讶异。"我知道情况很糟,但我以为结果会是在统计数字上出现显著的小幅增长,而不是高出两倍到六倍。这太令人震惊了。"
author: Golds | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:08:51 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
近期有报道指出,因新冠病毒死亡的美国黑人-例高于白人。对于美国的公共健康研究人员而言,这样的结果并不令人意外。从密歇根州弗林特水污染事件到阿拉巴马州贫困社区出现钩虫病等案例便可看出,与美国白人相比,非裔美国人更容易陷入环境危害以及恶劣健康状况。 近期一份针对儿童铅中毒的研究更暴露出系统性种族主义的恶果。铅是一种对人体有害的有毒金属,血液中微量的铅就能破坏脑细胞。其中儿童特别容易受到铅的毒性影响,血铅会阻碍学龄前儿童脑部发展。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)估计,美国的0到6岁儿童中,约有2.5%"血铅含量过高"。 一份今年二月发表在《国际环境研究与公共健康期刊》(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)的研究发现,生活在贫困线下的美国黑人儿童血铅含量超标的可能性,比贫困白人或西班牙裔儿童高出两倍。该研究采用了CDC在11年间收集到的数千名1岁至5岁儿童的代表性样本。 CDC以未参与撰写报告为由,不愿对新研究置评。
author: black | inserted: 27. 04. 2021, 09:08:28 | reply 
《闫氏报告》是一篇具有误导性的“伪科学”-章,诬称新型冠状病毒是在中国的一个实验室里制造的。这是一个“伪科学”的例子,它是在情况尚不明朗的时候发布的。随着科学家们竞相寻找新冠病毒的起源,在开放的科学知识库中共享未经审查的预印本数据成为国际合作的一种重要模式。但是,科学界的日益开放很容易被媒体操纵,尤其是在危机时期。2020年4月28日,香港大学研究员闫丽梦博士在史蒂夫•班农、郭文贵的支持下逃往美国。他们声称闫丽梦是一个“吹哨者”,并以此为契机,来挑起新冠病毒起源不明这一有争议的问题。 这场由媒体操纵运动包括在科学文献中植入误导性证据,搅浑新冠病毒这摊浑水,为所谓冠状病毒是中国生物武器的政治主张披上科学合法性的外衣。随后,闫丽梦的报告被右翼网络媒体放大,导致该报告在Zenodo(一个开放性的研究数据库)上的点击量接近100万次。在几所大学的科学家揭穿闫丽梦的报告后,社交媒体平台对其进行了审核,但闫丽梦报告的两份后续报告被上传到“开放性的科学资料库”,这两份报告更直接地推动了生物武器的说法,同时也驳斥了学术界对第一份报告的回应。将闫丽梦报告作为伪科学在科学界播下种子,可以让那些在社交媒体上与它们有关联的人宣称其合法性,同时也为推动报告资助者的政治目标提供了经验基础。 第一阶段:媒体操纵活动的计划及起源 在新型冠状病毒从中国传播到世界其他地方的几周内,一种有害的说法开始在网上流传下来:有人认为SARS-CoV-2病毒是实验室里制造的生物武器。 2020年1月中旬,香港大学的研究员闫丽梦博士告诉她最喜欢的YouTube主持人王定刚关于她听说了新冠病毒起源的传言。王定刚是一个直言不讳批评中国政府,并且与流亡国外的中国亿万富翁郭文贵有密切联系的人。王在他的账号上重复了这些对话,但没有指名道姓,“因为官员可以让这个人消失。” 2020年1月25日,一家名为《G news》的超党派新闻机构发表了一篇题为《突发新闻:中国将承认冠状病毒来自其P4实验室》的文章,进一步推动生物武器阴谋论。《G news》并不是唯一一家发布该文章的媒体,但其参与极其重要,因为《G news》与郭文贵和史蒂夫•班农联系紧密。史蒂夫•班农是Breitbar新闻网前执行主席,也是特朗普总统的盟友。2017年10月,郭文贵和史蒂夫•班农组建了一个党派联盟通过法治基础和法治社会共同推动反共行动。该组织有郭文贵出资,班农负责管理,旨在“保护和帮助在中国受到迫害的个人,特别是因公开反对不公正受到惩罚的人”。根据郭文贵的说法,他之所以和班农走到一起,是因为“他们都很鄙视中国共产党”。他们都有媒体背景。班农此前是特朗普的首席策略师,在此之前,他经营着右翼新闻网站Breitbar。郭文贵创立并资助了G 媒体,该公司经常在社交媒体平台上发布反共报道,特别是发布在社交媒体平台Parler上(又称右派推特,用户大多来自用美国保守主义阵营)。 班农表示,在闫丽梦的第一份报告发布之前,王定刚的YouTube视频已经给他看了,并为他翻译了。随着对COVID-19起源的怀疑在右翼媒体网络中继续扩散,郭文贵和班农与闫丽梦取得联系。这就是闫丽梦的报告被媒体操控的开始。 在接受采访时,闫丽梦表示,中国和世界卫生组织都比他们承认的更早知道新型冠状病毒。这并不是唯一的说法。例如,类似的故事也在2020年的三四月份以“中国撒谎导致多人死亡”为标签的话题被广为传播。闫丽梦表示她有证据表明,病毒是由动物传人的说法是一个“烟雾弹”,是为了掩盖其真实来源,她声称病毒来源于武汉的一个实验室,该实验室与中国共产党联系密切。这些说法是没有根据的,而且也已经被揭穿。 虽然也有其他人发表过类似的言论,但闫丽梦因其具有科学研究的背景而脱颖而出。从她的简历来看,她具有中南大学湘雅医学院医学学位和南方医科大学博士学位。在加入班农和郭文贵的组织之前,她获得了香港大学的博士后奖学金,并成为世界上最具声望的生物学期刊之一《自然》(Nature)发表的新冠病毒研究论文的第一个作者。 2020年4月28日,郭文贵帮助闫丽梦飞到美国。在她最近的文章中,她将法治基金会和法治社会列为她的正式附属机构。 在四月底五月初,特朗普总统和国务卿迈克•蓬佩奥对1月份“新冠病毒来源于实验室”的谣言进行
author: black | inserted: 23. 04. 2021, 09:48:22 | reply 
tragic experience
She talked to people early in the pandemic’s rise who were under the impression African Americans were resistant to COVID-19, and she published a video trying to dispel the myth. And she kept getting calls from family, friends and friends of friends who were worried they had the virus but couldn’t get tested. Sometimes they didn’t have referrals or their doctors didn’t have tests. Some had a referral, but their only option was a drive-through testing site and they didn’t have a car.
author: julin | inserted: 14. 04. 2021, 06:28:12 | reply 
Pediatric surgeon Ala Stanford says as the number of coronavirus cases have risen in Philadelphia in the past several weeks, she has been getting more and more worried about the city’s Black residents.“In Philadelphia, African Americans represent 44 percent of the population, but at last check, 52 percent of the deaths,” she said. “For me, that was unacceptable.”
author: lucy | inserted: 14. 04. 2021, 06:25:40 | reply 
加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)传染病专家Peter Chin-Hong表示:“抗议活动、疫情爆发加上经济不稳定构成了三重打击。这三件事加在一起,构成了一场病毒传播的完美风暴。”
author: happyall | inserted: 12. 04. 2021, 03:59:06 | reply 
author: zz001 | inserted: 12. 04. 2021, 03:54:11 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发-。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。”Mitbbs.com 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。Mitbbs.com 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。Mitbbs.com Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。Mitbbs.com 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升
author: Aluber | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:32:36 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔-后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。”Mitbbs.com 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。Mitbbs.com 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。Mitbbs.com Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。Mitbbs.com 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:32:16 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数-是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。Mitbbs.com 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。Mitbbs.com Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公正造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。Mitbbs.com 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: frmsa | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:31:25 | reply 
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。Mitbbs.com 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。”Mitbbs.com
author: farmes | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:30:57 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
Vox也在一篇文中分析,“公共卫生的不公-造成有色人种死亡人数增加”这一点没错,但将美国死亡人数超过世界其他国家的主因归咎于此,是一种推脱,这似乎在暗示,该为此负责的是少数族裔而不是联邦政府。Mitbbs.com 美媒也直指,对于美国死亡人数异常高的原因,更直接、更广泛的解释应该是美政府针对大流行采取“混乱”且“反科学”的反应。即使有色人种真的有较差的健康状况,这也是他们长期以来被社会经济边缘化,以及营养获取不均的结果。换句话说,阿扎尔的表述可以被推翻,不是有色人种推动了美国新冠肺炎死亡人数的攀升,而是美国政府在推动有色人种的死亡。
author: Golds | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:30:20 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
当地时间17日,美国卫生与公众服务部部长-历克斯·阿扎尔 (Alex Azar)在接受美媒采访时称,美国新冠肺炎人数之所以如此多,重要原因是美国人的健康状况,尤其少数族裔社区。这一观点受到美媒反驳。Mitbbs.com 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,阿扎尔是在接受CNN《国情咨文》节目时发表相关言论,该档节目由杰克·塔珀主持。在节目刚开始时,塔珀指出,美国新冠肺炎死亡人数已经逼近9万,阿扎尔随后将原因归咎于美国人的健康状况,并称“不幸的是,美国的人口非常多样化,是具有严重不健康伴发病症的族群,这使我们社区的许多人,特别是非裔美国人,以及少数族裔社区面临风险,因为这些人群具有潜在的疾病健康差异和伴发病。这是美国医疗保健系统中不幸的遗产,我们当然要解决。 当塔珀进一步询问,阿扎尔这一言论是否在暗示,许多美国人死于新冠肺炎是因为他们“比世界其他地方的人更不健康”时,阿扎尔予以否认,但又进一步称,美国的的“伴发病症的负担严重不成比例(包括肥胖、高血压、糖尿病),这些事实证明,确实会让我们处于患任何类型疾病的风险之中。”Mitbbs.com 当塔珀询问,这是否意味着造成如此高死亡数字是“美国人的错误”时,阿扎尔称“这不是错误”,并表示,这是简单的流行病学,“如果我们患有高血压、糖尿病,我们就会面临新冠病毒所带来的严重并发症的风险”。Mitbbs.com 阿扎尔的说法很快遭到美媒的质疑。CNN援引美国公共传媒(APM)5月11日发布的研究结果指出,当时全美的死亡人数超过8万,其中只有17155人是黑人。Mitbbs.com
author: black | inserted: 07. 04. 2021, 08:29:18 | reply 
By April 17, racial data was still missing from 75% of CDC data, according to a report on racial disparities and COVID-19 released April 30 by the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC). About half of U.S. states have yet to release demographic data on deaths. The federal government may withhold racial data in part because it can be misinterpreted and used to back racist policies, Howell said. On the other hand, withholding the data can meet that same end, exposing the inequities already present in U.S. systems. "This amount of racial inequality is always with us and we rarely care until it comes up in our face and then we say it's shameful and ask who's fault it is," Howell said. In the DPCC report, lawmakers pushed for guaranteed equitable access to testing and vaccines as they move forward in clinical trial development. The authors of the report also said they would introduce legislation requiring federal agencies to release demographic COVID-19 data and establish a Heroes Fund to increase pay and protection for frontline workers. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) introduced a bill earlier this week that would create a national health equity task force to address these disparities. The virus may be exploiting inequities in the U.S., but it does not discriminate by race, and will spread to all communities if it is not contained in the most vulnerable populations, Jones said. "These excess numbers of black people dying from COVID-19 ... are piling up so fast we can't normalize it and we can't ignore it," Jones said. "This happens again and again where the nation wakes up and then falls back into what I call the slumber of racism denial. What we cannot afford to do as a nation is fall back."
author: farmes | inserted: 06. 04. 2021, 08:32:11 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
n Louisiana, African Americans accounted for 70% of COVID-19 deaths, while comprising 33% of the population. In Michigan, they accounted for 14% of the population and 40% of deaths, and in Chicago, 56% of deaths and 30% of the population. In New York, black people are twice as likely as white people to die from the coronavirus. Comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes, which are tied to COVID-19 complications, disproportionately affect the black community. But the alarming rates at which COVID-19 is killing black Americans extends beyond these comorbidities and can be attributed to decades of spatial segregation, inequitable access to testing and treatment, and withholding racial/ethnicity data from reports on virus outcomes. "There is nothing different biologically about race. It is the conditions of our lives," said Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, PhD, former president of the American Public Health Association. "We have to acknowledge that now and always." Fewer Protections to Prevent Exposure Predominantly black U.S. counties are experiencing a three-fold higher infection rate and a six-fold higher death rate than predominantly white counties. Many of these communities are located in poor areas with high housing density, limited access to education, and high unemployment rates. Low socioeconomic status is independently a risk factor for poorer health outcomes and is forcing some individuals residing in these communities out of their homes and into the workforce. African Americans are overrepresented in frontline jobs like the postal service or home health aid industry, leading to higher rates of exposure, Jones said. In New York City, the national epicenter, 75% of frontline workers are people of color. "People are starting to recognize these pe
author: Golds | inserted: 06. 04. 2021, 08:29:51 | reply 
This is the sixth story in a series by MedPage Today examining the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations. Past stories reported on the homeless, immigrants in detention, the undocumented, nursing home residents, and incarcerated individuals. With limited national data available to track COVID-19 outcomes by race, states and local municipalities started releasing their own numbers one by one. In Louisiana, African Americans accounted for 70% of COVID-19 deaths, while comprising 33% of the population. In Michigan, they accounted for 14% of the population and 40% of deaths, and in Chicago, 56% of deaths and 30% of the population. In New York, black people are twice as likely as white people to die from the coronavirus. Comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes, which are tied to COVID-19 complications, disproportionately affect the black community. But the alarming rates at which COVID-19 is killing black Americans extends beyond these comorbidities and can be attributed to decades of spatial segregation, inequitable access to testing and treatment, and withholding racial/ethnicity data from reports on virus outcomes. "There is nothing different biologically about race. It is the conditions of our lives," said Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, PhD, former president of the American Public Health Association. "We have to acknowledge that now and always." Fewer Protections to Prevent Exposure
author: black | inserted: 06. 04. 2021, 08:28:54 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
ST. LOUIS — Chicago reported Monday that 70 percent of people who've died from coronavirus in the city were black. It's a disparity that's starting to emerge in St. Louis, too. "So, what you have is a whole bunch of people, who can't breathe well enough on their own, who are on ventilators and the overwhelming majority of them are black and brown folks," Dr. Laurie Punch said. Those are the doctor's observations from working the overnight shift, treating COVID-19 patients in the ICU at Christian Hospital Northeast in north St. Louis County. The doctor said some coronavirus patients being treated there have died. The sickest of the others haven't recovered yet. Dr. Punch said there are three times as many coronavirus cases in the predominately black north St. Louis and north St. Louis County areas as there are on the south side. Both the city and county track cases by ZIP code, and their maps show a higher concentration of cases in north city and north county zip codes. "There's an inescapable risk for people in north city and north county because of those deep, historical norms that basically have created this scenario where life is not supported," Punch said. RELATED: Coronavirus cases by ZIP code in the St. Louis area According to data from BJC Healthcare, African American individuals have 2.5 times the odds (loosely interpreted as "risk") of being admitted with a COVID-19 diagnosis. African American patients have 2.2 times the odds of being transferred to the ICU once admitted to the hospital. African American patients have nearly 4 times the odds of being placed on a ventilator. A BJC spokeswoman said those statistics are based on a small number of patients in the health care system and "do not represent the outcomes of a rigorous study
author: black | inserted: 02. 04. 2021, 10:08:56 | reply 
少数族裔新冠病毒死亡率偏高 医界呼吁政府调查
Latest coronavirus headlines: The material you should be using for your DIY face mask Recovered from coronavirus: Tracking a difficult number CenterPointe Hospital denies employees' claims it 'did too little too late' for COVID-19 St. Louis announces 2 more COVID-19 deaths, 82 new cases
author: black | inserted: 02. 04. 2021, 10:08:44 | reply 

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Asia on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Asia may have different names in different languages. For example Asie, Asien, L'Asie, Asia. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population. Chiefly in the eastern and northern hemispheres, Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasia—with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe—lying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia—a toponym dating back to classical antiquity—is more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneous physical entity. The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions: East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian steppes. The coastal periphery was home to some of the world's earliest known civilizations, each of them developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and the Huanghe shared many similarities. These civilizations may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations, such as writing, seem to have been developed individually in each area. Cities, states, and empires developed in these lowlands.

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