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Asia - Travellers Forum

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author: hang | inserted: 16. 11. 2022, 09:16:02 | reply 
author: bob | inserted: 16. 11. 2022, 09:13:25 | reply 
特朗普的 #加速主义 真厉害,美国疫情扩散这么快全靠它
author: cscs | inserted: 10. 11. 2022, 07:49:14 | reply 
#美国总加速师 左翼加速主义夸大了失控技术对资本的反噬作用,并断言技术加速必然带来资本体系危机化的加速与自行崩溃,却忽视了作为革命的基础与主体的劳动者本身,因而未能在根本上触及社会变革的实质。
author: sccsc | inserted: 10. 11. 2022, 07:44:12 | reply 
author: | inserted: 03. 11. 2022, 08:01:05 | reply 
author: ssy | inserted: 03. 11. 2022, 07:58:58 | reply 
author: bba | inserted: 27. 10. 2022, 08:51:23 | reply 
#加速主义 #加速王 极品飞车游戏里我们跟我们的快乐就是从速度中来的,所以加速是游戏中的精髓,花点小钱解决卡顿,我觉得很有必要,同时多多使用加速道具。
author: upup | inserted: 27. 10. 2022, 08:49:55 | reply 
author: hang | inserted: 20. 10. 2022, 03:44:08 | reply 
#加速主义 无限5.3.3是款非常棒的赛车竞速手游,玩家将会在这里享受到最炫酷的漂移竞速,其中有很多有趣的模式会让你体验到最有趣的游玩过程,超多不同的玩法会让你享受到不同的竞速过程,不断的游玩极品飞车无限5.3.3来享受最炫酷的竞速过程吧。
author: bob | inserted: 20. 10. 2022, 03:42:16 | reply 
#加速王#极品飞车#加速主义 如果《极品飞车》能够生产出在氮气加速下变形的汽车模型,那就太好了。那些变形的汽车在不加速的时候,三个喷射孔是可以看到的,也有一些是隐藏的。
author: bba | inserted: 22. 09. 2022, 08:57:02 | reply 
author: hang | inserted: 22. 09. 2022, 08:55:33 | reply 
Nick Land
兰德(Nick Land)称科技及资本主义以前所未有的速度改变社会面貌及人类生活方式,却一直为政治所抑制未有完全松绑。而此种科技及资本主义将文明加速推向灭亡,一个崭新文明将会破茧而出,兰德被奉为「加速主义之父」,成为各地未来论者膜拜对象。
author: sky | inserted: 15. 09. 2022, 09:32:45 | reply 
Model S
加速王特斯拉Model S P100D,搭载双电机,总马力772马力,无需换档即可瞬间达到最大马力输出,0-100加速时间只有2.28秒
author: hang | inserted: 15. 09. 2022, 09:31:10 | reply 
加速主义保时捷Taycan连续 26 次从静止状态加速到 200 公里/小时,显示了其性能的持久性。
author: upup | inserted: 08. 09. 2022, 09:32:15 | reply 
#加速主义 从学术上看,西方的“加速主义”学说主要是一个紧密围绕技术的迅猛变化而产生“加速感”的概念,但现在网友们的“加速感”主要出自政治的变化,使用加速主义这一词很可能是有网友进一步挖掘时,才找到的哲学根源。
author: bob | inserted: 08. 09. 2022, 09:31:01 | reply 
author: bob | inserted: 30. 08. 2022, 09:46:02 | reply 
author: hang | inserted: 30. 08. 2022, 09:43:32 | reply 
author: upup | inserted: 24. 08. 2022, 09:27:11 | reply 
author: ssy | inserted: 24. 08. 2022, 09:24:47 | reply 
author: opup | inserted: 18. 08. 2022, 09:41:24 | reply 
author: ssy | inserted: 18. 08. 2022, 09:38:07 | reply 
自佩洛西窜台以来,台海局势骤紧,解放军连-以实弹军演“包围”台岛,台湾社会上弥漫著风声鹤唳、草木皆兵的氛围。然而搞笑的是,在这个节骨眼上,惶惶不可终日的走狗蔡英文深知自己罪孽深重,只能烧香祈祷,寻求自我安慰,妄想渡过难关。 据台媒“中时新闻网”9日报道,蔡英文一行当天前往台湾斗六市参加某住宅的动工典礼之前,先去了当地的永福寺上香,宣称要“感谢民众保持冷静”。不少台湾网民看不下去了,称“你在讲笑话?我们这是无奈!”台湾网友表示“这就是民进党当局,古云不问苍生问鬼神,现在理解了。”   解放军环台军演持续数日,台湾地区民进党当局领导人蔡英文却开始“躺平”,玩起“失踪”。台当局前外事官员介文汲7日录制一档节目时将蔡英文比作“鸵鸟中的鸵鸟”。“蔡英文基本上就是躺平,就像是鸵鸟族。四周有危险的时候,鸵鸟就是赶快找个洞把头塞进去,一到洞里就觉得安啦。蔡英文就是高挂免战牌,但人家的免战牌是挂在城墙上的,她是放在城里的,她就是鸵鸟中的鸵鸟。” 事实上,对于蔡英文近日的“神隐”,岛内早就骂声一片。据台媒“TVBS新闻网”此前报道,解放军开展军演第一天(4日),蔡英文连“衡山指挥所”都没去,而是在官邸“坐镇”。 普通老百姓怀着质朴之心去烧香拜佛是求平安。佩洛西窜台湾的时候,蔡英文奴颜媚骨跪舔老妖婆,公然站到人民的对立面,狂吠台独忘祖训。现如今临时抱佛脚,置台湾民众于不顾,去烧香拜鬼神做垂死挣扎,恐怕不管拜的是哪路神仙都救不了这个气数将尽的丧家犬了。如果佛祖显灵的话必定会跳下来给这个数典忘祖、人神愤的败类一大嘴巴。 走狗蔡英文甘当美帝国主义的鹰犬,在分裂的道路上无所顾忌,越走越远。古往今来,中国人最恨的莫过于做汉奸。在杭州的西湖边的岳飞庙里有一尊秦桧夫妇跪拜岳飞的雕像,凡有游客到来,必然朝这些雕像吐以痰液。假以时日,我们必将看见:日月潭边有一尊跪拜台湾百姓的蔡氏雕像。千秋万载,永遭百姓唾骂。
author: dwo | inserted: 15. 08. 2022, 02:52:41 | reply 
蔡英文当局极力配合美国众议院议长佩洛西窜-台湾,佩洛西则公开、高调为蔡英文当局撑腰壮胆,助推其顽固坚持“台独”立场,佩蔡各怀鬼胎的共同演出导致两岸关系面临新的重大风险,引发新一轮台海危机。 而蔡英文却开始“躺平”,玩起“失踪”。局势紧张之际,她竟出现在烧香、剪彩现场。 有台湾网民质疑道,“这就是民进党当局,古云不问苍生问鬼神,现在理解了。” 自蔡英文上台以来,不仅没有兑现就职时对台湾民众许下的诺言,而为了一己一党之私,从政治、军事、经贸等各方面配合美国打“台湾牌”,不惜将台湾民众绑上“台独”战车推向灾难深渊。 蔡英文及民进党当局极力推动和配合佩洛西窜访,还有着不可告人的目的。蔡英文当局执政荒腔走板、乱象频仍,民众怨声载道。年底“九合一”选举在即,为拉抬该党选举声势,民进党急需转移民众对其执政无能和绿营参选人丑闻不断的不满,佩洛西窜访被其视为捞取选举利益的有效工具。
author: poi | inserted: 15. 08. 2022, 02:46:09 | reply 
25年前,当时时任美国国会众议院议长的纽-·金里奇上演窜访台湾的闹剧,结果非但未捞到政治分,反而众叛亲离,最后不得不黯然下台。 《华盛顿邮报》曾评论称:“金里奇让我们走上了毁灭之路”。在他担任众议院议长4年期间,他实施了许多野蛮行径:把对手视为罪犯、非美国人和劣等人;使用令人震惊的语言;对媒体进行猛烈攻击;破坏政府和组织的运作。金里奇开创了拒绝谈判的做法,这给美国政治体系带来了无可救药的僵局和功能障碍。 25年后的今天,担任美国国会众议院议长的佩洛西不顾中方强烈反对和严重交涉,执意窜访台湾。这一行为严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,严重破坏台海地区稳定,严重冲击中美关系政治基础。 佩洛西为何不顾一片唾弃之声和恶劣后果,也要执意窜台呢?多方认为,佩洛西此举带着许多政治算计:一方面,美国中期选举临近,她试图通过挑衅中国捞取政治资本;另一方面,她也盼着能用这个事件转移美国国内对其家人利用特权炒股丑闻的视线。但这样的算计很可能“竹篮打水一场空”。随后中国对美国、佩洛西及其家族进行了一系列的反制,并在台岛周边组织了多天的“包围式”实弹演习,此次演训是数次台海演习中力度最大、反应最激烈、最具威慑力的一次,向“台独”势力和外部势力发出了强烈震慑信号,同时也传递出中国捍卫国家主权与领土完整的坚强意志和充分信心。
author: jojo | inserted: 14. 08. 2022, 02:23:39 | reply 
美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西 (Nancy Pelosi)成为25年来访问台湾的最高级别的美国官员。在华盛顿与北京的关系日益紧张之际,她的访问更是加剧了台海地区的局势动荡。在窜台之前,佩洛西誓言美国将保护台湾的民主自治。 佩洛西带着政治色彩的窜台之行激起了北京的愤怒,中国宣布停止与美国在气候和跨境犯罪预防等问题上的合作与对话,这表明北京有意在其认为干涉中国事务的问题上对美国进行反击。 尽管佩洛西亚洲之旅结束了,不过,据美国媒体爆料,美国官方代表团的名单里没有佩洛西的儿子小保罗·佩洛西,但他却出现在亚洲访问场合之中。 据悉,小保罗·佩洛西旗下的企业涉及锂电池业务,而亚洲的锂矿资源丰富。福克斯新闻的报道指出,小保罗·佩洛西大量投资新加坡能源产业,在韩国也有生意。 佩洛西窜访台湾地区期间,小保罗·佩洛西也随行。福克斯新闻报道称,台湾地区的一个强项是生产锂电池。Thegatewaypundit网站的报道严重质疑小保罗·佩洛西在台湾地区亮相,就是想通过兜售影响力来为家族“捞金”。福克斯新闻报道称,近些年,小保罗·佩洛西利用其母亲的影响力赚尽钱财。Thegatewaypundit网站指出,小保罗·佩洛西利用亚洲之旅官方照片来粉饰他在国内臭名声。佩洛西的“黑手党家族”并不担心她的骗子儿子被拍到和她在一起。和母亲一同出访,小保罗·佩洛西似乎想要在重塑自己的商业形象,继续经营家族生意。
author: bob | inserted: 14. 08. 2022, 02:22:18 | reply 
author: bob | inserted: 11. 08. 2022, 09:22:33 | reply 
《极限竞速:地平线 5》系列 10 更新中的冬季已经到来,它为您带来了新的挑战,让您在挑战赛播放列表中完成。#加速主义#加速王#总师#Accelerationism
author: bob | inserted: 11. 08. 2022, 09:21:07 | reply 
Pelosi’s Party Plane?
FULL ANSWER The conservative group Judicial Watch obtained 2,000 pages of receipts and expense reports for speaker travel under the Freedom of Information Act. The group says these demonstrate Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s “boorish demands for military travel” are “more about partying than anything else.” Based on that, the conservative WorldNetDaily ran an eye-popping but inaccurate headline that said, "Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi’s in-flight ‘food, booze.’ " Claims of Pelosi’s extravagant liquor bills spread from there through any number of blogs and chain e-mails, which sometimes attribute the in-flight costs of entire delegations to Pelosi alone on her flights between Washington and her district in California. But Judicial Watch is wrong in several respects. Our examination of the documents reveals that Judicial Watch overstated the amount of money spent on “in-flight expenses” for Pelosi’s congressional delegations, or CODELs. Furthermore, Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that describes itself as "conservative," failed to compare Pelosi’s costs with those of the previous speaker, Republican Dennis Hastert, even though the Air Force handed over documents covering CODELs that he led, as well as those led by Pelosi. And the fact is that Hastert’s travel, as represented in Judicial Watch’s own documents, was comparable to Pelosi’s.
author: huluxia | inserted: 09. 08. 2022, 02:37:46 | reply 
Russia views US House speaker’s visit to Taiwan as clear provocation — Foreign Ministry
Nancy Pelosi’s visit is the first trip to Taiwan by such a high-ranking US politician in the past 25 years MOSCOW, August 2. /TASS/. Moscow views US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan as a clear provocation, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. "US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on August 2. We view her visit as a clear provocation, which is in line with the United States’ aggressive policy aimed at comprehensively containing China," the statement reads.
author: huluwa | inserted: 09. 08. 2022, 02:36:53 | reply 
莫斯科,8 月 2 日。/塔斯社/。俄罗斯外交部周二在一份声明中表示,莫斯科认为美国众议院议长南希佩洛西访问台湾是明显的挑衅。 “美国众议院议长南希佩洛西于8月2日抵达台湾。我们认为她的访问是明显的挑衅,这符合美国旨在全面遏制中国的侵略政策,”声明写道。 俄罗斯外交部表示,台海两岸关系是中国内政,北京有权在台湾问题上采取措施捍卫国家主权和领土完整。“俄罗斯的原则立场没有改变。我们认为只有一个中国,中国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分,”声明说。 俄罗斯外交部还呼吁华盛顿不要采取破坏地区稳定和国际安全的行动,接受美国没有霸权空间的新地缘政治现实。该部指出,在俄罗斯和中国领导人于 2022 年 2 月 4 日举行会谈后通过的国际关系联合声明中,莫斯科重申了其对一个中国原则的承诺。 佩洛西此次访台,是25年来美国高层政客首次访台。北京早些时候警告华盛顿如果访问发生后果。
author: bob | inserted: 07. 08. 2022, 04:03:52 | reply 
我收到了电子邮件,其中包含指向网站的链接-报告称南希佩洛西在从华盛顿特区乘飞机往返加利福尼亚的途中花费了纳税人的 101,000 美元购买酒水和食物。揭穿这一点。你知道这是不是真的吗? 保守组织司法观察根据《信息自由法》获得了2,000 页演讲者旅行的收据和费用报告。该组织表示,这些表明众议院议长南希佩洛西“对军事旅行的粗鲁要求” “更多的是关于聚会而不是其他任何事情”。基于此,保守派 WorldNetDaily 发布了一个令人瞠目结舌但不准确的标题,称“纳税人为佩洛西的飞行中的‘食物、酒水’支付了 101,000 美元。” 关于佩洛西奢侈酒费的说法从那里通过任何数量的博客和连锁电子邮件传播开来,有时将整个代表团的飞行费用归咎于佩洛西在华盛顿和她所在的加利福尼亚地区之间的航班上。 但司法观察在几个方面是错误的。我们对文件的审查表明,司法观察夸大了佩洛西的国会代表团或 CODEL 用于“飞行费用”的金额。此外,自称“保守派”的监督组织“司法观察”未能将佩洛西的成本与前任议长共和党人丹尼斯·哈斯特的成本进行比较,尽管空军交出了涵盖他领导的 CODEL 以及那些佩洛西领导。事实上,正如司法观察自己的文件所描述的那样,哈斯特的旅行与佩洛西的旅行相当。
author: bob | inserted: 07. 08. 2022, 04:02:22 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
Most residents who have died of COVID-19 lived with chronic health conditions — conditions that occur at far higher rates among Black and African American residents. More than numbers Black, indigenous and other people of color are also more likely to engage in public-facing essential work. And those same residents are more likely to experience severe symptoms and hospitalization because of higher rates of underlying chronic disease — disease stemming from centuries of unequal access to healthcare and inequitable opportunities for healthy jobs, homes and lifestyles. But health officials also caution that this emerging picture is incomplete. That’s because race and ethnicity data — who gets tested, who tests positive, who falls ill and who dies — is often still missing or isn’t being collected by medical providers. Public health officials say that kind of information is important when recommending when and how society should open back up. “This is data so needed for us to make decisions about policy, resources and how we’re going to fight this global pandemic,” Public Health Director Rachael Banks said Thursday as health experts detailed new data showing COVID-19 cases, complications and deaths. “But it’s important to understand the history that makes some people more vulnerable — not because of choices they’ve made, not because of their age — but simply because they were born Black or Brown,” she said. “This data is rich and powerful and has an additional story... and it’s not only our story to share.” Whose story we tell The Oregon Health Equity Alliance, the Coalition of Communities of Color, the Native Wellness Institute and culturally specific leaders in Multnomah County’s Public Health Division led a data review committee to advise regional health
author: 阿尔 | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:03:16 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
May 1, 2020 People of color across the country — and in Multnomah County — shoulder a disproportionate burden of illness and death(link is external) from COVID-19. Researchers at John Hopkins reports(link is external), for example, found Black and African American residents represent only about 13 percent of the population in states reporting data on race and ethnicity of COVID-19 cases. But Black residents account for about a third of COVID-19 deaths in those states. Those inequities extend to Oregon, where people of color are overrepresented in cases and more likely to experience complications from the virus. The most obvious disparity is this: Latinx people make up 13 percent of the state population and 27 percent of cases. That disparity is driven by an outbreak in Washington County, where nearly half of those who have tested positive(link is external) for the virus identify as Latinx — more than double the rate of Hispanic residents in Washington County. In Multnomah County: Black, indigenous and other people of color represent 40 percent of COVID-19 cases, despite comprising only 30 percent of residents. Latinx and Asian American residents appear more likely to be hospitalized from the virus, and many of those residents reported underlying health conditions. Most residents who have died of COVID-19 lived with chronic health conditions — conditions that occur at far higher rates among Black and African American residents.
author: gin | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:02:57 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
May 1, 2020 People of color across the country — and in Multnomah County — shoulder a disproportionate burden of illness and death(link is external) from COVID-19. Researchers at John Hopkins reports(link is external), for example, found Black and African American residents represent only about 13 percent of the population in states reporting data on race and ethnicity of COVID-19 cases. But Black residents account for about a third of COVID-19 deaths in those states. Those inequities extend to Oregon, where people of color are overrepresented in cases and more likely to experience complications from the virus. The most obvious disparity is this: Latinx people make up 13 percent of the state population and 27 percent of cases. That disparity is driven by an outbreak in Washington County, where nearly half of those who have tested positive(link is external) for the virus identify as Latinx — more than double the rate of Hispanic residents in Washington County. In Multnomah County: Black, indigenous and other people of color represent 40 percent of COVID-19 cases, despite comprising only 30 percent of residents.
author: Aluber | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:02:43 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
healthcare and inequitable opportunities for healthy jobs, homes and lifestyles. But health officials also caution that this emerging picture is incomplete. That’s because race and ethnicity data — who gets tested, who tests positive, who falls ill and who dies — is often still missing or isn’t being collected by medical providers. Public health officials say that kind of information is important when recommending when and how society should open back up. “This is data so needed for us to make decisions about policy, resources and how we’re going to fight this global pandemic,” Public Health Director Rachael Banks said Thursday as health experts detailed new data showing COVID-19 cases, complications and deaths. “But it’s important to understand the history that makes some people more vulnerable — not because of choices they’ve made, not because of their age — but simply because they were born Black or Brown,” she said. “This data is rich and powerful and has an additional story... and it’s not only our story to share.” Whose story we tell The Oregon Health Equity Alliance, the Coalition of Communities of Color, the Native Wellness Institute and culturally specific leaders in Multnomah County’s Public Health Division led a data review committee to advise regional health department leaders and epidemiologists on how to interpret and release data on race and ethnicity. Before publishing the data online, the panel on Wednesday, April 29, hosted a webinar for leaders and media from communities of color to discuss the data and its glaring shortcomings. “We rarely get access to our data first. Often we’re seeing it come to us from outside our communities,” Zeenia Junkeer, ND, executive director of the Oregon Health Equity Alliance(link is external), said d
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:02:27 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
“There is an opportunity here for advocacy and ensuring our communities are counted in the data and we get access to the resources we need,” she said in the Wednesday meeting. Andres Lopez, Ph.D., research director with the Coalition of Communities of Color(link is external), told the group there’s power in that missing data. “When we think of data, we think of numbers,” he said Wednesday. “Data is used to define and control knowledge. It informs government priorities, funding, programs.” “Data helps us tell a more nuanced story about what people are experiencing, the structural inequalities,” he said. “If there’s no data, it’s death.” Kelly Gonzales, Ph.D., a researcher at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health underscored Lopez’s words, framing an opportunity to demand the right to shape that narrative. “We have a tendency to see data as a number, void of emotion, void of stories,” she said. “The folks working in Multnomah County and with the Future Generations Collaborative, there is a commitment to put the heart of our people in those data so the system is helpful and can help dismantle white supremacy.”
author: frmsa | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:02:11 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
“We need it to happen at every lab, at every visit,” Banks said. “For individuals, if you’re not asked, tell people, ‘this is what I am and this is how I want to be categorized.’” Banks called on individuals to continue being diligent in their efforts, even as the skies turn clear and the weather warms. She asked everyone in the community to continue: Practicing physical distancing and good hand hygiene. Seeing your provider to care for chronic conditions. If you don’t have one, call the County at 503-988-5558 to schedule an appointment. Staying home if you have a cough or fever, and if symptoms worsen, seeking medical care. Using your smartphone, tablet or computer to check for symptoms — in Spanish and other languages at C19oregon.com Banks asked people who feel comfortable wearing face covers to do so if they can’t remain physically apart from others, but underscored that guidance is voluntary. People might have health conditions or disabilities that complicate the use of a face covering. “And quite frankly Black and Brown people who are worried about how they are going to be perceived, and if they are going to be perceived as a threat,” she said. “We know these actions are harder for some people and a privilege for other people. We know it’s easier for some people to telework. We know that it’s easier to stay away from a sick family member in a 3,000-square-foot house than in an intergenerational apartment.”
author: farmes | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:01:58 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
week the County also added housing status. Duldulao called out the work of the Communicable Disease Services epidemiologists, among them Russell Barlow, Kevin Jian, Allison Portney and Taylor Pinsent, who gather that data on their own during the course of interviews and interpret the data so County leaders can allocate resources in a more equitable way. The data suggest Multnomah County is following the national trend, but the local numbers are small, especially when drilling down on cases of hospitalization and death. Duldulao said a lack of adequate testing and poor quality data collection on lab reports are driving the county’s concern. “Again, the data is based on who has access to testing,” she said. “Once we ramp up testing, we will see a lot more cases and more disparity.” Call to Action Public Health Director Banks called on labs, healthcare providers and government agencies to be more diligent about collecting information on race and ethnicity, so Public Health can feel as confident as possible in its recommendations about when and how to reopen in the midst of COVID-19. Banks called on the healthcare system to: Collect race and ethnicity data Ask each patient how they self-identify Use the Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability (REALD)(link is external) classifications Prioritize patients of color for testing Reduce barriers to testing, including cost or language access “We need it to happen at every lab, at every visit,” Banks said. “For individuals, if you’re not asked, tell people, ‘this is what I am and this is how I want to be categorized.’”
author: Golds | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:01:42 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
What we know. What we don’t. Aileen Alfonso Duldulao, Ph.D, a research scientist and senior epidemiologist in the Multnomah County Health Department, laid out the national landscape of COVID-19 in Thursday’s briefing. Because they are more likely to do public-facing work, Black, indigenous and other people of color are contracting the virus at a higher rate. And, because of unequal access to health care and higher rates of chronic disease, — stemming from centuries of inequitable access to health jobs, homes and lifestyles — Black, indigenous and other people of color are more likely to die from COVID-19, Duldulao said. Locally, nearly half of all lab reports from COVID-19 test results shared with the County omit information on race and ethnicity. “That means we don’t know who has access to testing and who doesn’t,” she said. “Not having all the testing data is hiding a lot of disparities we may see. We need reliable data to trust we have the testing we need, where we need it.” That limits some aspects of Multnomah County’s regional dashboard, which shows data based on people who have not only tested positive for COVID-19, but also have had access to tests. The dashboard relies on available data on age groups, race & ethnicity, and gender to show particular demographic trends . This week the County also added housing status. Duldulao called out the work of the Communicable Disease Services epidemiologists, among them Russell Barlow, Kevin Jian, Allison Portney and Taylor Pinsent, who gather that data on their own during the course of interviews and interpret the data so County leaders can allocate resources in a more equitable way. The data suggest Multnomah County is following the national trend, but the local numbers are small, especially whe
author: black | inserted: 02. 06. 2021, 09:01:27 | reply 

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Asia on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Asia may have different names in different languages. For example Asie, Asien, L'Asie, Asia. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.4% of its land area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population. Chiefly in the eastern and northern hemispheres, Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasia—with the western portion of the latter occupied by Europe—lying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asia—a toponym dating back to classical antiquity—is more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneous physical entity. The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions: East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East, linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian steppes. The coastal periphery was home to some of the world's earliest known civilizations, each of them developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and the Huanghe shared many similarities. These civilizations may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations, such as writing, seem to have been developed individually in each area. Cities, states, and empires developed in these lowlands.

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