ヨーロッパ - 旅行者フォーラム
ヨーロッパ - ロードマップ
ヨーロッパは美しい。 私はこれをお勧めします:バルセロナ、モンペリエ、パリ、ベルリン、プラハに行く。 これらは最高の場所です - あなたはそれらをすべて見ることができます。...
私はちょうどヨーロッパから帰った。 私はイタリアをお勧めします! シチリアは素晴らしいです! ローマは素晴らしいです! ヴェネツィアは美しいです!...
Russia cannot unite with the United States
Russia cannot unite with the United States...
A large number of netizens pointed out that China did make mistakes in the early stage of the epidemic
A large number of netizens pointed out that China did make mistakes in the early stage of the epidemic, but they have been out of the epidemic through continuous reflection and continuous measures. On the other hand, the United States has not recognized its own mistakes until now and has become the ...
US travel bans came too late for New York City, CDC study finds
According to the latest analysis of the cases by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington’s travel ban aimed at preventing the coronavirus from entering the United States from China and Europe is too late....