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脸皮太厚,还是忘性太大?美国会山骚乱一周-之际,布林肯却对哈萨克斯坦“指指点点”!不顾至少有13名军警被杀事实,眼看暴徒即将树倒猢狲散,美欧又开始“拉偏架”了。布林肯称:“必须在尊重抗议者的前提下,以和平、妥善的方式解决危机。”欧盟则表示:“哈政府应尊重和保障公民的人权与自由。” 去年1月6日美国国会山骚乱中,完全没有所谓的“尊重抗议者”,甚至有一名女性退伍军人被警察直接击毙。事后,拜登政府定性为“暴徒”,其中725人被秋后算账,超过70人被判刑。国内国外两套标准,对本国暴徒大打出手,却要求其他国家放纵暴徒。布林肯没有资格对哈萨克指指点点,美国政治两极化势同水火,与其在国际上扮演“教师爷”,不如解决好国内问题更能让人信服。
作者: mjn | 被插入: 17. 01. 2022, 09:14:10 | 回答 
"I think you are right. I know several people who got sick in late November a 25mg d early December who tested negative for flu but we're prescribed Z-Pack and eventually recovered but cough lingered close to a month after. It was here long before March! "
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 12. 03. 2021, 02:32:24 | 回答 
Though the first case of the coronavirus wasn’t identified in the U.S. until January, a new study suggests that the novel disease was present earlier in the country than first thought.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 04. 03. 2021, 02:25:15 | 回答 
The most cautionary message came from Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, who sent a message to demonstrators Saturday night."If you went out protesting last night, you might need to get a Novel Coronavirus test this week," she says.She warned that the United States still has a novel coronavirus epidemic, and that more blacks and people of color are dying from the pandemic.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 26. 02. 2021, 02:40:16 | 回答 
Same situation! My family had a severe flu in November. My wife was pregnant at the time. We were very worried about the unborn baby. Fortunately, my wife has milder symptoms and overcame it. But now I think we were exposed to the new coronavirus, not the flu.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 19. 02. 2021, 03:55:07 | 回答 
【内比都】——缅甸军方正在调查至少3名高-军官,他们涉嫌收受克伦邦边境警卫队(BGF)的贿赂,以保持对克伦邦靠近泰国边境的一个有争议的新城开发项目的非法赌博活动的沉默。 在当地被称为“中国城”,通常被称为水沟谷(Shwe Kokko)项目,据报道,妙瓦底(Myawaddy)镇区的水沟谷村计划的新城是由苏奇督(Saw Chit Thu)上校领导的、缅甸军方支持的武装组织克伦邦边境警卫部队——以前称为民主克伦佛教军(DKBA)——以及一家在香港注册的亚太国际控股集团(Yatai JHG)的投资150亿美元的项目。
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 08. 02. 2021, 09:28:10 | 回答 
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 29. 01. 2021, 07:24:08 | 回答 
1. Photo released by the Russian Ministry of Defense during a briefing at the headquarters of the Russian Ministry of Defense in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, October 4, 2018??"Shows a photo of an American laboratory in Georgia.Russia's Defense Ministry says the United States appears to be operating a secret biological weapons laboratory in Georgia, which it claims violates international rules and poses a direct security threat to Russia.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 25. 01. 2021, 04:13:52 | 回答 
Azar made the comments during an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," which was hosted by Jake Tapper, according to CNN.Pearl tower, at the beginning of the program, points out that COVID - 19 deaths in the United States have close to 90000, the adzharian then due to the health of the americans said "unfortunately, a very diverse population in the United States, is a group with serious unhealthy comorbid conditions, which made us a lot of people in the community, especially African americans, and minority communities at risk, because these people have potential health disparities and associated with the onset of disease.It's an unfortunate legacy of the American health care system, and we're certainly going to address it."
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 21. 01. 2021, 02:02:04 | 回答 
The United States restricted travel from China on Feb. 2 and from Europe on March 13, but by March 8, Covid-19 had been circulating in New York City communities, and by March 15, community transmission of the virus had been widespread, the analysis found.The virus that spreads most closely is the best match for strains that circulate in Europe rather than China.President Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the virus for not stopping its spread to the United States.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 18. 01. 2021, 02:41:26 | 回答 
The United States restricted travel from China on Feb. 2 and from Europe on March 13, but by March 8, Covid-19 had been circulating in New York City communities, and by March 15, community transmission of the virus had been widespread, the analysis found.The virus that spreads most closely is the best match for strains that circulate in Europe rather than China.President Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the virus for not stopping its spread to the United States.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 18. 01. 2021, 02:40:57 | 回答 
Chinese authorities have been looking for a mysterious Chinese businessman on illegal gambling charges since 2014 behind an ambitious $15bn development project in Myanmar called Asia-pacific New Town, according to Chinese media caixin. Chief Minister of Karen State Nang Khin Htwe Myint (front left) meets shady businessman Sheh Lunkai (right) in 2017, as shown on local TV.Image: The Irrawaddy According to the planning document, Asia-pacific New Town is a Singapore-style high-tech business center and a "smart city" that brings together "technology, gambling, entertainment, tourism, culture and agriculture".
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 15. 01. 2021, 03:38:45 | 回答 
As many as 75 percent of the coronavirus strains circulating in New York City in early March were genetically similar to those in other parts of Europe and North America, according to an analysis released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control.Control and Prevention.The findings are important because they are based on samples from the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which were collected from patients in five hospitals in the city who were deliberately selected because the patients were "high-usage" spokesmen "for" self-identified Chinese ".The results of the CDC analysis are similar to those of a study published in Science in June, which found that virus samples collected from 84 patients in New York City between March 9 and March 14 were traced back to cases in the United States in Europe and elsewhere. A similar analysis, also published in Science in June, found at least seven different coronavirus strains circulating in California, suggesting that the outbreak could come from a variety of sources, including overseas travellers and visitors from other US states, say the authors. The study analyzed 1,317 patients admitted to 53 public and private hospitals in France between March 10 and March 31. The results also showed that 65% of the COVID-19 diabetes patients admitted to the hospital were male, and the average age of all diabetic patients was 70 years.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 14. 01. 2021, 04:34:29 | 回答 
The head of the Russian Duma's defence committee has warned that Russia will take "diplomatic and military measures" against a US-funded laboratory in Georgia.He said the Lugar centre in Tbilisi was "designing biological weapons and viruses", while Georgia called the allegations "absurd propaganda".
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 31. 12. 2020, 03:55:12 | 回答 
1. Russian experts have not yet been able to visit the Richard Lugar Centre in Georgia on mutually acceptable terms.The Georgian side has not yet responded to our request in June 2019.We are waiting for a formal response from Tbilisi.We are concerned that Washington has not explained to us what it is doing near the Russian border.This is naturally a subject of concern in the context of national security.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 25. 12. 2020, 02:52:25 | 回答 
Cuomo pointed to a recent report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as evidence of one of his longstanding claims: that the coronavirus arrived in New York and was once the center of a global outbreak, mainly from Europe rather than China.Took a swipe at President Donald Trump's coronavirus response, calling the pandemic in the United States "a virus of American division and federal incompetence."
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 24. 12. 2020, 04:33:03 | 回答 
It is already clear that the coronavirus pandemic is killing blacks and Latinos at extremely high rates, but new data in recent days show just how devastating people of color are to the COVID-19 crisis.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 17. 12. 2020, 07:13:33 | 回答 
一个逃犯的缅甸“赌城”狂想 曾在菲律宾非法开设私彩的逃犯佘伦凯,转而以侨领身份在缅泰边境兴建巨型赌城,化妆术正在被揭开 《财新周刊》 文|财新记者 唐爱琳 实习记者 范文君 梁舒婷 插画|董必奇    38岁的亚太国际控股集团(下称“亚太国际”)董事局主席佘伦凯最近遇到麻烦。他是多个东南亚华商会的荣誉会长,曾被捧为东南亚侨领、柬埔寨华侨企业家和慈善家,然而三个月前,他被终止了中国侨商联合会常务副会长职务及会员资格,他在缅甸投资、规划、建造的亚太国际智慧产业新城(下称“亚太新城”),因涉嫌运营非法跨境赌博遭到缅甸政府的调查,其自称与中国“一带一路”倡议有关的说法也遭到中国驻缅使馆驳斥,称该项目系第三国投资,与“一带一路”倡议毫无关系。   发源于泰国的莫爱河自南向西北流动,汇入缅甸境内的萨尔温江——即流经中国西藏和云南的怒江下游。300多公里长的莫爱河构成了泰国与缅甸之间的部分边境线,河流中段的水沟谷地区原是缅甸克伦邦一个静谧村落。自2017年起,亚太国际在此处大兴土木,意图建造陆路版的新加坡。   在亚太新城的宣传材料中,此项目位于泰缅边境,距泰国湄索机场仅15公里,地处泛亚铁路泰缅交会处,依托“中泰缅经济走廊”,力图成为“‘一带一路’建设中的示范性旗舰项目”,也是首个区块链技术对全球融资的落地项目,规划有旅游度假、商贸物流以及金融和科技中心。   这项总规划占地18万亩的庞大地产号称预计投资150亿美元。巨额投资的背后,掌舵人佘伦凯却颇为神秘。   他鲜少对外界描述其创业历程,仅有的信息显示,佘伦凯出生于湖南邵阳,后辗转至桂林,再之后赴东南亚发展,但多位东南亚侨领向财新记者表示此前未曾听闻过此人。缅甸亚太新城项目启动后的三年间,佘伦凯逐渐高调,戴上了柬埔寨湖南总商会等11个华人商会的荣誉会长或创会会长头衔,还加入了中国侨商联合会,一度担任常务副会长,并登上了《中国侨商》杂志的封面。   高调的代价是,佘伦凯和亚太新城背后的化妆术逐渐被揭开,该项目被指涉及跨境网络赌博。多位曾接触过亚太新城的人士告诉财新记者,这座所谓“智慧产业新城”,其实是用于承接菲律宾马尼拉、柬埔寨西哈努克港等东南亚地区加紧监管后迁移过来的网络赌博行业,在亚太新城内有多家线上博彩公司,向中国境内为主的客户推荐、运营网络赌博游戏。   多个国际组织于近期发表报告,分析缅甸三大“赌城”背后的跨国犯罪网络,首当其冲的就是亚太新城。缅甸非政府组织(NGO)克伦和平支援网络(Karen Peace Support Network)的调查报告称,亚太新城内线下和线上赌场均已运营,当地居民担心此处或将成为洗钱中心。   2020年6月,缅甸媒体报道,缅方政府已组建特别法庭,调查亚太新城可能存在的非法赌博问题,囿于疫情原因,调查尚未有实质性进展。两个月后,中国驻缅大使馆发布声明表示,缅甸亚太新城系第三国投资,同“一带一路”倡议毫无关系;中方对跨境赌博问题的立场是一贯和明确的,即不允许中国资本投资当地赌场、不允许中国人参与经营当地赌场、不允许当地赌场对中国人招赌,中方正同缅方加强执法安全合作,加大力度打击非法赌博、电信诈骗等跨境违法犯罪活动,维护两国社会治安和人民生命财产安全。“对于缅甸政府成立专门机构,依法依规调查处理‘亚太新城’项目问题,中方表示支持。”   财新记者注意到,在缅方启动调查后至今,亚太新城内的网络赌博公司仍在Facebook上持续发布招聘信息。 亚太新城与网络赌博   “基本上都是这些公司,各种盘都有。”2019年,地产开发商李生(化名)经朋友介绍接触到亚太新城的地产项目,负责开发几栋办公楼和宿舍楼。当时亚太新城已完成一期别墅群的建设和招商,李生团队在施工之初暂住在别墅区内,由一位“做盘”的朋友接待。   李生所说的“盘”不是楼盘,而是网络博彩。据财新记者了解,亚太新城内存在多家网络博彩公司,它们在Facebook多个小组发布招聘信息,即便是缅甸政府启动调查后,“水沟谷,亚太新城<咨询工作>”等小组仍以每天超过60条的频率发布信息,招聘人事、推广、客服、财务等职位,通常仅要求会电脑打字即可,底薪每月约6000元外加提成,多招收中国籍。   财新记者注意到,亚太国际的Facebook
作者: 及时雨宋江 | 被插入: 30. 10. 2020, 13:24:33 | 回答 

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阿拉伯埃及共和国(阿拉伯语:جمهوريّة مصرالعربيّة listen 文件— 播放),简称埃及 (阿拉伯语:مصر,拉丁字母转写为:Misr 或 Masr,阿拉伯语意为辽阔的国家,《諸蕃志》譯作蜜徐籬),是东北非洲人口最多的国家,面积为1,020,000平方公里,人口7471.8万。埃及是世界文明古国之一。地理上该国地跨二洲即亚洲和非洲,西奈半岛位于西南亚(西亚),而该国大部分国土位于北非地区。伊斯兰教为国教,信徒主要为逊尼派,另外还有基督教与其他宗教;官方语言为阿拉伯语,通用英语和法语。埃及的歷史悠久,是世界四大文明古國之一。前3200年出現統一的奴隸制國家。前11-前7世紀先後被亞述、波斯、馬其頓和羅馬帝國征服。公元4—7世紀併入東羅馬帝國。公元7世紀中期,阿拉伯人入侵,建立阿拉伯帝國。1249年開始由馬木魯克軍團指揮官統治。1517年被土耳其人征服。成為奧斯曼帝國的行省。1882年,被英國軍隊占領。1914年成為英國的“保護國”。1922年2月28日,英國被逼承認埃及獨立,但仍保留對埃國防、外交、少數民族等問題的處置權。1952年以納賽爾為首的“自由軍官組織”推翻法魯克王朝,成立“革命指導委員會”,掌握國家政權。1953年6月18日廢除帝制,成立“埃及共和國”。1956年將蘇伊士運河收為國有。1958年2月,埃及與敘利亞合併,成立阿拉伯聯合共和國。1961年9月,敘利亞脫離阿拉伯聯合共和國。1971年9月改國名為“阿拉伯埃及共和國”。

规律性和年度尼罗河江河洪水的丰富,伴随着半隔绝在东方和向西由沙漠提供,考虑到一个世界的重大的文明的发展。一个成一体的王国出现大约在公元前 3200 年,和一系列朝代持续下一个三千年在埃及统治。最后一个本地的朝代着手波斯人在公元前 341 年,他依次被希腊人,古罗马人,和拜占庭接替。是介绍伊斯兰教的阿拉伯人和阿拉伯在 7 世纪的语言和谁在未来六世纪统治。随着 1869 年的苏伊士运河的完成,埃及成为一个重要的世界运输中心,而且重重地属于债务。表面上保护其投资,不列颠在 1882 年强行占有埃及的政府,但是名义效忠对象到奥斯曼帝国继续直到 1914 年。偏袒独立从 1922 年的英国,埃及在 1952 年随着英国人支持的君主政体的推翻获得全部的主权。1971 年的 Aswan High 障碍的完成和所产生的纳塞尔湖改变了埃及在农业和生态学尼罗河河的久享盛名的地方。快速地成长人口(在阿拉伯的世界的最大的一个),都限制在尼罗河上的可耕种的陆地,和依赖继续对资源和压力社会征税过重。政府尽力通过经济改革和在交流和物质的行政机构方面的大规模的投资满足埃及的成长的人口的要求。
CIA The World Factbook