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Australia - Travellers Forum

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Black people are so miserable
《紐約時報》也專文報導了紐約的拉丁和黑人-裔染疫比率高的原因。紐約市政府曾公布一份有關各族裔的患病情況,拉丁裔和黑人的罹病比率遠遠超過其他族群,兩者合計超過確診比率的四成,震驚了整個美國社會。 「這兩個族群所從事的工作,都是每天一定要出門工作的人,」《紐約時報》分析,超市員工、公車和地鐵駕駛、照顧中心人員等第一線工作者當中,超過75%是少數族裔,更有超過60%的清潔工是拉丁裔、超過40%的大眾運輸工作者是黑人。雖然在統計數據上,某些族群顯得更容易感染病毒,但事實卻是因為貧窮,剝奪了一個人的生存品質,甚至奪走他們的生命。 日經:歐美死亡率是亞洲的100倍 至於為何亞洲地區的新冠死亡率,比歐美來得低?《日本經濟新聞》在比較主要國家的數據後發現,新冠病毒死亡率較高的是歐美地區,亞洲地區明顯較低,而歐美國家單位人口的死亡人數與亞洲的差距是約100倍以上。 專家認為,這主要和生活習慣的差異,患有疾病的比例等多種因素有關,一些國際聯合研究也已經展開疾病和基因差異的探索。從事不同人種腸內細菌研究的日本慶應義塾大學教授金井隆典指出,「基因差異有可能與新冠死亡率的差異相關。」 病毒仍肆虐全球,為什麼黑人和拉丁裔是主要染疫者、為何亞洲疫情比歐美來得輕微,仍未有定論。但數據發現,連病毒都有人種和階級歧視。 原來,「病」不平等,在病毒面前,人命真的有貴賤!
author: Aluber | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:49:15 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
川普宣布警急狀態之後,美國疫情仍持續惡化-更多人確診和死亡。即使疫情依然嚴竣,沒有樂觀和鬆懈的理由,但右翼精英要求政府重啟經濟的聲浪愈來愈大。4月16日,當第一個反封城的抗議活動展開時,美國當時死亡人數翻了逾一倍,達到3萬人。 即使有一些人受到嚴重影響,川普仍執意解封 「在政府眼中,愈來愈多美國人死亡變得次要,更重要的是哪些美國人死亡。」大西洋雜誌指出,新冠肺炎病例的人口資料顯示,黑人和拉丁裔美國人是感染率和死亡率最高的一群,而由於這個族群並非執政黨票倉,已讓美國防疫政策開始大轉彎。 面對疫情仍嚴竣,川普態度丕變,迫切想要鬆綁所有限制,但經濟學家紛紛示警,在美國醫療體系仍未有充足準備之際,執意要重啟經濟,恐怕迎來第二波疫情,最終導致人民再度在家隔離,並催毀了驅動經濟的消費力。 「公共衛生防疫措施被認為是不合理的,」美國一些保守派媒體正在煽動輿論風向,導向「只因為非白人正在死亡,而去限制白人的自由,這是嚴重違反種族和諧的行為。」 一場疫病,因著感染族群和社會階層呈現的差距,劃分出「你們」「我們」。美國保守派支持者主張停止居家隔離,他們認為,「你們那些人」容易受感染,所以要好好防疫,「我們」出門是自由,不要影響別人權益。 《紐約時報》也專文報導了紐約的拉丁和黑人族裔染疫比率高的原因。紐約市政府曾公布一份有關各族裔的患病情況,拉丁裔和黑人的罹病比率遠遠超過其他族群,兩者合計超過確診比率的四成,震驚了整個美國社會。 「這兩個族群所從事的工作,都是每天一定要出門工作的人,」《紐約時報》分析,超市員工、公車和地鐵駕駛、照顧中心人員等第一線工作者當中,超過75%是少數族裔,更有超過60%的清潔工是拉丁裔、超過40%的大眾運輸工作者是黑人。雖然在統計數據上,某些族群顯得更容易感染病毒,但事實卻是因為貧窮,剝奪了一個人的生存品質,甚至奪走他們的生命。
author: Abuha Jamser | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:48:53 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
封城禁足的限制,目的是為了壓平疫情曲線,-免病毒傳播超過醫療體系的負荷,以及讓聯邦政府能夠有更充裕的時間,來建立一個檢驗和追蹤系統,阻絕疫情進一步蔓延。雖然檢測量能正在改善,但川普也公開表態不願投資必要的防疫物資,理由是檢測將會出現更多感染者,「透過做這些檢測,我們讓自己看起來很糟糕。」 川普宣布警急狀態之後,美國疫情仍持續惡化,更多人確診和死亡。即使疫情依然嚴竣,沒有樂觀和鬆懈的理由,但右翼精英要求政府重啟經濟的聲浪愈來愈大。4月16日,當第一個反封城的抗議活動展開時,美國當時死亡人數翻了逾一倍,達到3萬人。 即使有一些人受到嚴重影響,川普仍執意解封 「在政府眼中,愈來愈多美國人死亡變得次要,更重要的是哪些美國人死亡。」大西洋雜誌指出,新冠肺炎病例的人口資料顯示,黑人和拉丁裔美國人是感染率和死亡率最高的一群,而由於這個族群並非執政黨票倉,已讓美國防疫政策開始大轉彎。
author: frmsa | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:48:34 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
「這場疫情帶來了新的種族議題,」-西洋雜誌痛批,美國政府為了挽救陷入泥淖的經濟,即使無法確保企業達到公共衛生安全,仍不顧一切要求重啟經濟,將導致許多黑人和拉丁裔工人被迫犧牲。 報導指出,當疫情在族群與階級帶來不成比例的影響之後,美國政治和金融精英開始將持續上升的死亡率,看作是一種不方便,而非國家緊急事件。那些試圖阻絕病毒傳播的防疫措施,包括量體溫、戴口罩、保持社交距離等,也通通變成了暴政。 川普對抗疫的態度,一再反覆,最近更是迫切要求重啟經濟,大西洋雜誌認為,這和漠視黑人和拉丁裔族群的白人至上心理,脫不了關係。 當美國在元月底、2月初出現第一例確診時,川普政府急於將疫情的風險講得很輕微。然而,隨著初期確診病例多半是和國際旅遊相關的全球精英,包括美國名人、世界領袖,以及和川普親近的人,才讓川普態度大逆轉,3月16日宣布國家緊急狀態,同時呼籲美國人避開社交聚會。
author: farmes | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:48:19 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
也讓他們在面對失業方面更加脆弱。 -r 在疫情前線工作的工人,例如肉品包裝人員、雜貨店收銀員、交通運輸人員等,他們的生命被認為一文不值,即使雇主強迫他們在不安全的狀況下工作,但政府卻讓雇主得以免責。 一名威斯康辛州的肉品包裝工人Raquel Sanchez Alvarado無奈表示,「公司沒有供應口罩、無法保持社交距離,我們緊挨著工作。」這名拉丁裔工人透露,他們害怕一旦不配合而遭解雇,將無法在其他公司找到新工作。 《華盛頓郵報》也指出,病毒正在感染那些無法失去工作、且必須遠程通勤的人,包括雜貨店的員工、送貨員和建築工人。在照護中心、監獄,以及重要產業的工廠已經發生新的群聚感染。 在美國,有色人種多從事風險高、收入低的工作,成為疫情下的犧牲者。
author: Golds | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:47:57 | reply 
Black people are so miserable
一株新冠病毒,影響全世界!許多研究指出,-然病毒不分國界,但遭受最大影響的,仍是低收入階級與有色人種。 更慘的是,即使面臨死亡威脅,政府下令封城、在家上班,低收入者仍必須出門賺錢,沒有辦法在家隔離,否則連飯都沒得吃。餓死或病死?成了這些弱勢族群的殘酷選擇題。 雪上加霜的是,長期缺乏照護的他們,許多人原本就有健康問題,染疫後更容易併發重症,再加上普遍缺乏醫療保險,無力就醫,造成低收入與有色人種的致死率高於平均。 擁有逾150年歷史的美國知名雜誌《大西洋》(The Atlantic)近日刊出一篇重磅文章,標題是〈病毒原本被視為危機事件,直到川普發現是誰在死亡〉,文中指出,「這場病毒大流行,揭露的沉痛事實是,某些人的生命被認為比其他人更有價值。」 黑人社區占逾五成確診病例,占60%死亡人數 雖然病毒傳染的整體面貌尚未清晰,但研究人員已經發現一個不成比例的事實:在美國,黑人社區就占了超過一半的確診病例,以及近60%的死亡。箇中原因是,黑人和拉丁裔很大比例都是從事曝露在感染風險的工作,而財富和收入的差距,也讓他們在面對失業方面更加脆弱。
author: black | inserted: 08. 05. 2021, 08:47:42 | reply 
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of comm
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of communism for a long time, not starting with Xi
author: Spam | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:07:29 | reply 
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epi
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epidemic report from October 2019 to April 2020, and the report indicated "internal documents, please keep it confidential." , And the content of the document was verified by six independent experts
author: Holidays | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:07:16 | reply 
COVID-19: US Travel Bans Came Too Late For NYC Metro Area, CDC Says, Echoing Cuomo Statements
A new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that by the time the federal government imposed travel restrictions on Europe, it was too late, and the virus had already established a foothold in the region. The federal government restricted travel from China in early February, but it was not until mid-March that millions of passengers had passed through the airport in this tri-state region before restricting travel from Europe. European travelers carried the virus with them.
author: Us | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:07:03 | reply 
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms a
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms as coronavirus.most of us all probably had it and have antibodies now.
author: Solutions | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:06:48 | reply 
In the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chica
The virus has no nationality or race. But in the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chicago is seven times that of whites, and the death rate of blacks is high.
author: Problems | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:06:35 | reply 
Russia stated that they are waiting for Georgia’s response to a request to visit Richard Lugar’s laboratory
Russian experts have not yet been able to visit the Richard Lugar Center in Georgia under mutually acceptable conditions. The Georgian side has not yet responded to our request sent in June 2019. We are waiting for an official response from Tbilisi. Our main concern is that Washington did not explain to us what it did near the Russian border. This is naturally the subject of our concern in the context of national security.
author: Archer | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:06:10 | reply 
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of comm
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of communism for a long time, not starting with Xi
author: Back | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:05:41 | reply 
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epi
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epidemic report from October 2019 to April 2020, and the report indicated "internal documents, please keep it confidential." , And the content of the document was verified by six independent experts
author: Been | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:05:26 | reply 
COVID-19: US Travel Bans Came Too Late For NYC Metro Area, CDC Says, Echoing Cuomo Statements
A new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that by the time the federal government imposed travel restrictions on Europe, it was too late, and the virus had already established a foothold in the region. The federal government restricted travel from China in early February, but it was not until mid-March that millions of passengers had passed through the airport in this tri-state region before restricting travel from Europe. European travelers carried the virus with them.
author: Dabria | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:05:11 | reply 
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms a
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms as coronavirus.most of us all probably had it and have antibodies now.
author: Yvonne | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:04:57 | reply 
In the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chica
The virus has no nationality or race. But in the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chicago is seven times that of whites, and the death rate of blacks is high.
author: Otis | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:04:43 | reply 
Russia stated that they are waiting for Georgia’s response to a request to visit Richard Lugar’s laboratory
Russian experts have not yet been able to visit the Richard Lugar Center in Georgia under mutually acceptable conditions. The Georgian side has not yet responded to our request sent in June 2019. We are waiting for an official response from Tbilisi. Our main concern is that Washington did not explain to us what it did near the Russian border. This is naturally the subject of our concern in the context of national security.
author: Violet | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:04:22 | reply 
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of comm
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of communism for a long time, not starting with Xi
author: Mention | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:03:50 | reply 
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epi
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epidemic report from October 2019 to April 2020, and the report indicated "internal documents, please keep it confidential." , And the content of the document was verified by six independent experts
author: Places | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:03:26 | reply 
COVID-19: US Travel Bans Came Too Late For NYC Metro Area, CDC Says, Echoing Cuomo Statements
A new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that by the time the federal government imposed travel restrictions on Europe, it was too late, and the virus had already established a foothold in the region. The federal government restricted travel from China in early February, but it was not until mid-March that millions of passengers had passed through the airport in this tri-state region before restricting travel from Europe. European travelers carried the virus with them.
author: Different | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:03:00 | reply 
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms a
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms as coronavirus.most of us all probably had it and have antibodies now.
author: Evaluation | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:02:29 | reply 
In the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chica
The virus has no nationality or race. But in the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chicago is seven times that of whites, and the death rate of blacks is high.
author: From | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:01:58 | reply 
Russia stated that they are waiting for Georgia’s response to a request to visit Richard Lugar’s laboratory
Russian experts have not yet been able to visit the Richard Lugar Center in Georgia under mutually acceptable conditions. The Georgian side has not yet responded to our request sent in June 2019. We are waiting for an official response from Tbilisi. Our main concern is that Washington did not explain to us what it did near the Russian border. This is naturally the subject of our concern in the context of national security.
author: Short | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:01:39 | reply 
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of comm
The author of the paper exaggerates the threat of China; refutes the author of the paper that China has been on the road of communism for a long time, not starting with Xi
author: Experiences | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:01:03 | reply 
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epi
CNN published an article that anonymous reporters submitted a large number of "confidential documents" in Wuhan covering the epidemic report from October 2019 to April 2020, and the report indicated "internal documents, please keep it confidential." , And the content of the document was verified by six independent experts
author: Own | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:00:46 | reply 
COVID-19: US Travel Bans Came Too Late For NYC Metro Area, CDC Says, Echoing Cuomo Statements
A new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that by the time the federal government imposed travel restrictions on Europe, it was too late, and the virus had already established a foothold in the region. The federal government restricted travel from China in early February, but it was not until mid-March that millions of passengers had passed through the airport in this tri-state region before restricting travel from Europe. European travelers carried the virus with them.
author: Write | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 11:00:29 | reply 
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms a
coronavirus been around since november and there was a boom of people who got sick with the “flu” with the exact same symptoms as coronavirus.most of us all probably had it and have antibodies now.
author: Readers | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 10:59:54 | reply 
In the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chica
The virus has no nationality or race. But in the United States, the new crown virus in particular caused a large number of black deaths. The risk of black deaths in Chicago is seven times that of whites, and the death rate of blacks is high.
author: Other | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 10:59:23 | reply 
Russia stated that they are waiting for Georgia’s response to a request to visit Richard Lugar’s laboratory
Russian experts have not yet been able to visit the Richard Lugar Center in Georgia under mutually acceptable conditions. The Georgian side has not yet responded to our request sent in June 2019. We are waiting for an official response from Tbilisi. Our main concern is that Washington did not explain to us what it did near the Russian border. This is naturally the subject of our concern in the context of national security.
author: Edgar | inserted: 07. 05. 2021, 10:58:17 | reply 
The author of the paper deliberately included China in order to emphasize the dominance of the United States in the world.
The author of the paper deliberately included China in order to emphasize the dominance of the United States in the world.
author: Spam | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:21:50 | reply 
Some netizens believe that the Trump administration has long politicized the new crown epidemic
Some netizens believe that the Trump administration has long politicized the new crown epidemic. It previously requested to withdraw from the WHO or to avoid the new crown investigation, calling on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue to dig deeper and return the truth to the world as soon as possible.
author: Holidays | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:21:33 | reply 
US travel bans came too late for New York City, CDC study finds
The United States restricted travel from China on February 2 and restricted travel from Europe on March 13. However, by March 8, Covid-19 had been circulated in the communities of New York City, and by March 15, the community spread of the virus had been Widely spread, analysis found. The most closely spreading virus best matches the virus strain spreading in Europe rather than in China. President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused the virus of not preventing its spread to the United States.
author: Us | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:21:17 | reply 
I believe it was even sooner like back in November! My best friend's brother passed away first week in January from the flu and
I believe it was even sooner like back in November! My best friend's brother passed away first week in January from the flu and he had underlying issues. Hmmm
author: Solutions | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:20:59 | reply 
Large-scale intensive demonstrations in the United States and other places may induce a new wave of new coronavirus epidemics
The mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, sent a message to the demonstrators on Saturday night to be the most warning. She said: "If you went out to protest last night, you might need to be tested for the new crown virus this week." She warned that the United States still has the new crown virus epidemic, and more blacks and people of color are dying from the pandemic.
author: Problems | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:16:42 | reply 
Russia warns the United States to take "military measures" against Georgia-funded laboratories
The chairman of the Defense Committee of the Russian Duma warned that Russia would take "diplomatic and military measures" against a laboratory funded by the United States in Georgia. He said that the Lugar Center in Tbilisi was "designing biological weapons and viruses," while Georgia called the accusation "absurd propaganda."
author: Archer | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:16:25 | reply 
The author of the paper deliberately included China in order to emphasize the dominance of the United States in the world.
The author of the paper deliberately included China in order to emphasize the dominance of the United States in the world.
author: Back | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:16:05 | reply 
Some netizens believe that the Trump administration has long politicized the new crown epidemic
Some netizens believe that the Trump administration has long politicized the new crown epidemic. It previously requested to withdraw from the WHO or to avoid the new crown investigation, calling on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue to dig deeper and return the truth to the world as soon as possible.
author: Been | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:15:49 | reply 
US travel bans came too late for New York City, CDC study finds
The United States restricted travel from China on February 2 and restricted travel from Europe on March 13. However, by March 8, Covid-19 had been circulated in the communities of New York City, and by March 15, the community spread of the virus had been Widely spread, analysis found. The most closely spreading virus best matches the virus strain spreading in Europe rather than in China. President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused the virus of not preventing its spread to the United States.
author: Dabria | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:15:31 | reply 
I believe it was even sooner like back in November! My best friend's brother passed away first week in January from the flu and
I believe it was even sooner like back in November! My best friend's brother passed away first week in January from the flu and he had underlying issues. Hmmm
author: Yvonne | inserted: 06. 05. 2021, 10:15:08 | reply 

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Australia on the Internet

Are you looking for more information? On the Internet there are a lot of information. Here are some advices: Australia may have different names in different languages. For example Austrálie, Australien, L'Australie, Australia. Use these names in search engines. It is good idea to precisely specify what are you looking for. If you need information about a place, use the name in a search engine. You may use other names of the place as well. If you need - for example - an information about history of the place, add the word history to the search engine.

What Others say

In geology and biogeography, Australia (also called Australia-New Guinea, Sahul, Meganesia, Greater Australia, or Australinea) is a continent comprising (in order of size) the Australian mainland, New Guinea, Tasmania, and intervening islands, all of which sit on the same continental shelf. These landmasses are separated by seas overlying the continental shelf — the Arafura Sea and Torres Strait between Australia and New Guinea, and Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. When sea levels were lower during the Pleistocene ice age, including the last glacial maximum about 18,000 years ago, the lands formed a single, continuous landmass. During the past ten thousand years, rising sea levels overflowed the lowlands and separated the continent into today's low-lying semi-arid mainland and the two mountainous islands of New Guinea and Tasmania. Geologically, the continent extends to the edge of the continental shelf, so the now-separate lands can still be considered a continent. Due to the spread of flora and fauna across the single Pleistocene landmass, the separate lands have a related biota. New Zealand is not on the same continental shelf and so is not part of the continent of Australia but is part of the submerged continent Zealandia and the wider region known as Oceania or Australasia. Australia is described by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as either the world's largest island or the world's smallest continent.

If it is available then we publish here information about the territory from CIA factbook. For Australia it is not available.
CIA The World Factbook
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