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Testing has found Covid-19 infections in the U.S. in December 2019, according to a study, providing further evidence indicating the coronavirus was spreading globally weeks before the first cases were reported in China.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 19. 02. 2021, 03:59:09 | 回答 
Serologic testing of U.S. blood donations to identify SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies: December 2019-January 2020
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 10. 02. 2021, 02:18:47 | 回答 
Though the first case of the coronavirus wasn’t identified in the U.S. until January, a new study suggests that the novel disease was present earlier in the country than first thought.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 09. 02. 2021, 03:46:30 | 回答 
The coronavirus is infecting and killing blacks at an alarming rate, and a post-mortem analysis of available data and census demographics shows that counties with a majority of blacks are three times as likely to be infected as counties with a majority of whites, and nearly six times as likely to die.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 09. 02. 2021, 03:39:43 | 回答 
The coronavirus is infecting and killing blacks at an alarming rate, and a post-mortem analysis of available data and census demographics shows that counties with a majority of blacks are three times as likely to be infected as counties with a majority of whites, and nearly six times as likely to die.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 08. 02. 2021, 03:31:24 | 回答 
"I believe it was even sooner like back in November! My best friend's brother passed away first week in January from the flu and he had underlying issues. Hmmm... ""#Coronavirus: California announces earliest known US death"" #Coronavirus"
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 02. 02. 2021, 03:57:31 | 回答 
We were talking about how everyone was sick in the last months of 2019 and early 2020. I wonder how many people had corona and didn’t even know. Literally all our kids on the tball team were sick. I got sick in November and had a cough for over a month.
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 27. 01. 2021, 02:40:22 | 回答 
It was the United States that brought the pneumonia virus to Wuhan through the World Congress of The Armed Forces.2. Fort Dietrich Army Lab leaked novel Coronavirus.The United States had an outbreak of pneumonia in August last year
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 14. 12. 2020, 07:21:20 | 回答 
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 10. 12. 2020, 01:43:55 | 回答 
作者: zakher andrei | 被插入: 09. 12. 2020, 04:13:31 | 回答 
I had the Corona Virus in December. My friends were all struck down in late November / December with a strange, but not a flu, not a cold like illness. I had had my yearly flu jab. I know this virus was here earlier than reported. We are all playing catch up.
作者: Abbra | 被插入: 21. 06. 2020, 11:30:58 | 回答 

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欧洲 在互联网上

您是否了解更多信息吗?在互联网上有很多资料。下面是一些建议:欧洲的可能有不同的语言不同的名字。例如:为Europe, Evropa, Europa, L'Europe, Europa。您可以插入这些名称来搜索引擎。您应该指定正是你要找的。如果您需要关于一个地方的信息,名称的地方插入到搜索引擎。你可以插入其他的地方的名字。和一个例子:你需要对一个地方的历史信息?使用这个词在搜索引擎“历史“。


欧洲,全称欧罗巴洲(希腊文:Ευρώπη),字源于希腊神话的「欧罗巴」,是世界第六大洲,面积10,180,000平方公里(3,931,000 平方英里),人口7亿1千2百万(2008年),是世界人口第三多的洲,仅次于亚洲和非洲,人口密度平均每平方公里70人,共有48个已独立国家,欧洲东以乌拉山脉、乌拉河,东南以里海、高加索山脉和黑海与亚洲为界,西、西北隔大西洋、格陵兰海、丹麦海峡与北美洲相望,北接北极海,南隔地中海与非洲相望。欧洲最北端是挪威的北角,最南端是西班牙的马罗基角,欧洲是世界上第二小的洲、大陆,仅比大洋洲大一些,其与亚洲合称为欧亚大陆,而与亚洲、非洲合称为欧亚非大陆。欧洲名字的来历可能是来自希腊神话中的一个叫做欧罗巴的女子,她受到变成公牛的宙斯的引诱。[1]一个更学术性的说法是:这个词可能来源于闪族语ereb,表示“日落之地”。通常,根据政治、经济、文化或实际考虑,欧洲的边界线并不总是一样的。这就使得人们产生了几个不同“欧洲”的观念。

如果它然后提供我们在这里从 CIA factbook 出版关于领土的信息。对 欧洲 它不提供。
CIA The World Factbook